

bit o fun



Oh so British 2014 ( 1948 Slough Lt 15 ) Brisbane.
This has the ID19, 4 speed conversion. (Now Eric & Jane's)

September 2014 Janet and I trundled off to be British for the day taking the '48 Light 15. The odd person at the gate seemed confused at the site of a "French" car but we held our ground explaining that the Citroen factory in Slough was something to be reckoned with.
All manner of British cars and trucks were there. One has to admire the owner of a Mark 10 Jag,.
it makes a Citroen DS23 with air conditioning seem simple in comparison. The beautiful old Rolls Royces, the tough Standard Vanguards that seem more Australian than English, Landrovers,
and oh yes, the lovely Riley
and I can go on - - so yes, a great day




After doing the swap we were off to Trentham for a run.
I’ve been slogging for a week or so doing lots of little jobs that Michel never got round to. After buying the car a few years ago he did a fair bit to mechanicals. Nothing big mind you but fixing things like a screeching clutch thrust bearing and maybe fiddling with brakes, throttle and gear linkages etc. I replaced the front bumper with a better one and put some over riders on the rear bumper that haven’t been on for years. Took the awful looking blinkers off the rear guards and put them under - - - not great but okay for now. Front blinkers were replaced with some old ones I cobbled up and put the large chevrons back on the front grille - - - - being a bit naughty and putting them on the outside like the French cars. Also fitted French hubcaps for a bit of class. The rear French lights were put on years ago.

Michael wanted the little B2 to drive into Castlemaine which he has been doing. The car always draws a crowd.
I just rang him and he drove the B2 into Maldon today, Sunday 6th August 2023 as there is a gathering of Hearses and a bit of a Gothic festival going on. He parked the car close to the Museum as Adam, a friend of ours, said it was okay. The museum has all sorts of machinery, cars and even the motorbike from the movie with Eric Banner called “My brother Romulus” or so. I think the bike is a Vincent or maybe a Sunbeam.
Michael likes taking the dogs - - - all you can do is laugh !!


HAMILTON RALLY King’s Birthday June long weekend 2023 (some photos below)

Because of covid, this yearly event hasn’t happened for probably 3 years.
Friday morning we left in our 1968 Citroen ID 19B going through Ballarat and heading west to Hamilton. Because of the rains the country was looking great with many newborn lambs in the paddocks. My sister lives in red gum country on a small sheep farm out of Hamilton on the Digby road. It is always a special treat to stay there.
After stopping at the odd second hand place and opportunity (op) shop we reached Dunkeld near the Grampians to have some lunch.
Throughout the trip there were old cars travelling behind and in front of us heading to the same destination.
On reaching Hamilton we went to the 3 op shops that we know and picked up the odd bargain. A 1970’s National Panasonic transistor for $15 will go well in a future car display in our 1974 D Special.
Saturday morning the cars gathered at the showgrounds ready for our excursion to the yearly Casterton Kelpie Muster. Michael travelled from Castlemaine in his 1949 P3 Rover as he wanted to make the effort to support the Rover Club who were coming with a number of cars. This Casterton event is always well patronised and took up most of the day.
That evening Janet and I went to a cosy Hamilton restaurant with my sister and friend, Ed. I pointed out that he forgot to lock the Subaru to which he answered - - - “she’ll be right mate”. On returning after a scrumptious meal I half expected to see the car - - gone, but no - - Hamilton must be okay.
Sunday morning we again assembled at the showgrounds and travelled about 200 km visiting the odd farm with historic woolshed to end up in the small historic town of Harrow. This area is special to Michael and I as we stayed for our Easter holiday at a school friend’s farm “Babba-Mia”, milking cows and just “being on the farm” when we were 11 years old in 1962. Harrow is a small town nestled between the hills of the Western District. While we were in the local hall getting lunch we were greeted by Melanie who lives there owning a 1974 Citroen D Special.
Sunday evening Janet and I had a dinner with pea and ham soup with even more relatives. The nights were cold so it was cosy with the fire going and the dogs locked up in a side shed.
Monday morning was the Hamilton club’s farewell breakfast and after that we visited friends of my sister’s who own a beautiful historic homestead.
On the way home we again stopped at the odd second hand shop from which one of these we bought about ninety 78 rpm records at $1 each. As these are quite weighty we ended up with quite a heavy load on the way home - - with our existing luggage, odds and ends and even 2 terracotta pots with plants which were on the side of the road for free.
The Hamilton Club did a great job making the long weekend a very special one.
We were lucky that a couple in a Citroen D Special were amongst the many cars. On arrival at the big woolshed they noticed a flat rear tyre so I suggested that we change it then and there and show the crowd what Citroens are really about. It was great fun.

John, Janet and Michael.




Here with the
RF-946 Peter Damman plates

Peter Damman raced a Big 6 in the early 50's


Michael's done a bit of a swap deal for
a 1954 Morris Oxford Traveller Nov. 2022


Some pics of
a display some
of the locals put on
at the first
Daylesford Collectables Fair
Nov. 2021.


On the 27th March Janet and I decided to take our 1949 Armstrong Siddeley Lancaster on its first proper run after sorting out many things over the last 4 months. This was the Tractor Pull and car show at Trentham Railway Station. Brother Michael came in his 1923 Hupmobile and other friends from Daylesford came in a war time Chev Blitz and a 1928 Chev tow truck. There were a varied lot of cars so it turned out to be a very good day. Our car drew a lot of interest from the passers by of whom some recounted stories of being involved with these cars in the past. There are still little things to sort out but generally the car is going well and is a joy to drive. Not having driven
a car with pre-selector I have found it a bit quirky at first but am quickly getting used to it.

These 2 photos at Glenlyon Store Mar.2022

Owner moving to the UK we picked up in Nov. 2021 - - - -

Michael beside the 1935 Humber Snipe to be
Hans's - - on original plates
with our Citroen C35 behind full of parts.

1956 Humber Hawk with 3 rabbits under
the bonnet that had to be prodded - out.
Comes with the Laycock-de-normanville
overdrive as in the Talbots & Alpines - -
this car being the same as the blue one we just sold.

John & Janet's new acquisition
1949 Armstrong Siddeley Lancaster - -
- - is this jumping in at the deep end ??

And a 1948 SUNBEAM TALBOT - - -

that had been stored in a closed up sheep
shed for 20 years.
The rabbits kept burowing under the car causing it
to sink to the front bumper bar and half way
up the wheels.

Michael had to "dig it out".

I suppose this could be called "a barn find".

As it was in 1999

Loading it on the tandem trailer we couldn't
coax a rabbit from under the bonnet so it
had a ride home to Castlemaine

Similar Sunbeam Talbots along with the
Alpines were raced by Stirling Moss &
Sheila Van Damm in the early 1950's.


Near Peter's place, this Armstrong Siddeley Station Coupe (Goldfields Victoria)
for the family as there is an extra bench seat for the kids in the back


We went along with some friends through the bush.
Two Landrovers and 17 odd Austin Champs. It was pretty wet. October 2022

Wouldn't want to fall down this mine shaft !!


D Special up at Mt Hotham and over the mountain to Omeo.


Brothers Michael and Hans had a lot of parts to pick up along with a 1939 Vauxhall tourer
from Gippsland so they decided to take the Citroen 1978 C35 Van.
Seeing the pictures reminded me of the many trips we did taking our life’s possessions the
2400 mile return journey from Brisbane to Victoria and back.
This is another of the vehicles that has done more than its fair share of work
and it just keeps going - - on - - and on.

The previous owner of the Vauxhall had made up an A frame so that the car could be towed.
Michael had to be convinced but yes - - it cruised - - on - -behind.


Apr 2021 we had a fun day at Lake Jubilee, Daylesford. Another pic - Peter Brown,
with Janet & me doing Christmas 2021 in our TH Schneider & Peter's Model T firetruck


Sep 15, 2021
Regional Victoria is out of lockdown at the moment so a jaunt here and there in the
'68 Safari and ID19b. They're both going well after the work done recently.
One pic showing the guards off as I cleaned, painted and tweaked some wiring.
Behind the Peugeot of "Le Sel" cafe is a horse and cart in Maldon.

Oh yes, Peter from Bullarto has cobbled up a '28 Chev tow truck so
if anyone breaks down in the Goldfields area you know who to call.


Around 2015
We're about to head off again with another heavy load in the 1978 C35 Van to Victoria. The engineering, like in all Citroens is superb so this van has turned out to be an incredibly good "work horse" and also being economical being on diesel. We keep our fingers crossed that it keeps soldiering on and that we don't get run off the road or end up hurtling down a cliff with
Citroen and other junk spilling over the countryside .

Daylesford market 1978 Citroen C35 van 2016


Ready to go to Victoria 1700 km with heavy load and back Dec 2013
Aluminium roof racks recently manufactured - - great !

- - - and again in 2014 - and again and again.

On the Newell highway

Truck stop Boggabilla ( The boggaburga nearly wiped me out )

Ready to go 2013

Turned out when reaching Daylesford that Michael and I had to rescue his damaged trailer load that he had to abandon, plus patch up his upturned Landrover near Narrabri up the highway 1100 km and back. Transferred load into C35 and scrapped written off trailer. Pitty the Landrover didn't have the Citroen engineering or it might not have got out of control after tyre blowout. But still - - we must love our Landrovers.

This 1978 C35 turns out to be a mighty workhorse. It is only one of two in Australia. The other is a utiluty type- - not van. In the 2 months, Dec - Jan. we travelled 6000 km.
New UPPER SUSPENSION ARMS have now been fitted in the front & new front discs & pads later.

One of Michael's other trips towing an ID. On the road I think around Moree.


March 2012


BUYING THE 1928 PACKARD "CONVERTIBLE COUPE" from Sth. Adelaide Feb. 2021

Janet & I bought the Packard in January 2021.
Michael was on holiday at Port Elliot near Victor Harbour and said it was "silly not to have a look
as it's only an hour away".
With a deposit drawn from the bank - -
just in case - - away he went.
We decided to go ahead so once the border was
re-opened and permits were obtained because of Covid 19 we took the tandem behind the 1963 Humber Super Snipe to pick it up.
I must say that my respect has grown
for the Humber as it forged on in 36 degree
heat to bring the Packard to Daylesford.

On the Wellington Ferry SA.

Apr. 2021. The car is now up and running.

Up & Running



Our latest bit of fun - - 1918 Ford Model T in the midst of Covid 19
Preparing it for - - "on the road".



April 2021

At the end of a very rough track we arrive at "Lithium Spring".



Going for a picnic in the 1923 Hupmobile around Castlemaine March 2020 - -


Michael has been working on his 1925 Hupmobile but it wouldn't crank start ---
the starter's not working well - - so we decided to try clutch starting behind the Series 3 Landrover.
She fired up and was busy getting rid of oil that had been poured into the plug holes.
The other engine in "the wreck" is now turning over. It was done up but silastic round the head gasket seems a bit dodgy
so Michael will keep at it, just having had friend fix the front guards of rust. The car lived around Moree when new.
This Covid carry-on does give time to get stuck in.

This engine has been "done up".


MOTORFEST Daylesford 16th Feb. 2020

Another event and this time close enough to take 9 cars. We took most in on Saturday so Sunday we could get
stuck into setting up.Michael joined in with his 1927 Crossley and Peter Brown from a farm at Bullarto brought his 2 mid 1920’s Morris Cowleys.
Peter from Bacchus Marsh way came in with his 1968 DS 21 Pallas Hydraulique so with ours we had 5 Citroens all up.
As he has a 1919 or so Citroen A model he was interested to see our B2.
Our Citroens were the Big 6, Big 15, 1923 B2 and 1968 ID19B. Then we had the '53 Vauxhall Vagabond, the '56 Humber Hawk,
the '54 Sunbeam Alpine, 1929 Chrysler and the TH. Schneider. We used our beige Citroen D Special as the dogs body car.
We didn’t spot any other French cars. Rod Hadfield from Castlemaine was there representing the Hot Rod fraternity .
Of course there were many impressive cars - - - a late 40’s Packard with a hell of a lump of an 8 cylinder engine - -
Karman Ghia, motor bikes, Tom’s Lanz Bulldog single cylinder tractor, started by putting the steering wheel in the
side for starting after the front has been heated with a blow torch for 10 minutes or so and on and on and - - on.
Actually there was an American Buick or so but it looked all the better with an aluminium 60’s caravan.
The American cars look so good when they are original - - not lowered and vamped up but - - who am I ?
- - - a little fish , in a big oval.

Norm Beechey knew Peter Damman who raced one.
Michael's 1927 Crossley behind

Tom on the Lanz Bulldog

It was a bit exhausting but at least the throngs of people had a bit of British and European to look at.
The 1923 Citroen B2 is now behaving itself and so are the others so a good day was had by all.
Notice that the fronts are lined up pretty straight - - something I learned in Brisbane when lining up DS’s at Bastille Days
before all the later riff – raff Citroens came onto the scene !!??
Oh yes, Norm Beechey came up for a yarn about the antics of Peter Dammon who he knew when racing a Citroen 1950 Big 6
in the early 50’s. Yes, Norm Beechey !!! - - drove for Holden etc and was in the racing scene for many years - - - -
a very nice bloke- - - - - a privilege to meet him. We did actually win a best display so that was nice.


Michael went out to rescue an ID.

Grey '60 French ID

Clyde neglected to put on the handbrake or use a "chock" on his steep driveway.

March 2020

Two of Michael's early ID's now have new homes. He realizes that all the Citroen parts that
we have stored, have come in so useful. Even the two twin exhaust hangers that went missing when Clyde's car went
over the embankment. The speedo that stopped working. Opened the old filing cabinet and selected the best out of four
and "voila" .... fixed. And then there's the driveshaft.
"Ofcourse for the likes of me and brother John, these old Citroens are our modern cars.
They do everything that is asked of them."
The challenge and fun is the vintage cars. Late 20's can be a bit easy but early 20's test all your capabilities and nerves.
When I chain the dog up in the passenger seat, says Michael, of the '23 B2 Citroen I look at the little pedals and "put on my vintage hat"
I'm in old car mode. 1st gear, across to the right and down .... and quickly up and to the left and up to 2nd gear ....
and screaming and it all quietens down when pulling the gear lever down to 3rd gear. Have I got the run up to get to the
top of the hill ? Just. Round the corner and a bit of a slope and past the Speed Camera (no worries there) and a Stop Sign ahead.
Remember the Brake Pedal in the middle but that is the Transmission Brake. I gently pull the handbrake lever which pulls
on the rear wheel brakes, knock the gearshift into neutral, gently press the middle brake pedal, flick my old 6volt ID indicator
to the right and I come to a stop. Do it all again and under the railway bridge and I'm in the middle of town.
Now I have to have my wits about me. Stop outside the newsagent and off to do the shopping.
Always a crowd admiring this wonderful little yellow French Car'
patting the dog as they chat about the old cars they experienced years before.
So yes, the '62 Id Safari is certainly the modern car. Fast ....... disc brakes .... heater, holds as much luggage as I throw into it.
Most of the time driving with the window down and smelling the country air.
Ahh ........... Michael

Grey '60 French ID sold to Clyde

Grey '60 French ID

Grey '60 French ID replaced driveshaft

Grey '60 French ID

Beige '64 Heidelberg ID swapped
to Dave for 1923 Hupmobile.

Beige '64 Heidelberg ID

Beige '64 Heidelberg ID

Here is an example of the beige '64 ID19
on old plates - -

- - and here on red plates.


Because of the corona virus the new owner was delayed in picking the ’64 ID19 up. As it was at my place I thought I’d keep fiddling with it.
I put some decent chevrons on the boot, made a front number plate bracket similar to one that was on an ID we owned years ago and put the speakers back in place which I don’t like.

Installed some original ashtrays into locating threads that were under the new upholstery.

Re-installed an original LHS bracket onto the correct threads. The odd thing here is that the air cleaner extension doesn’t allow one to pull the can (which I made up) out so I have a screwdriver underneath to loosen air cleaner end so one can slip off and slip back on after retrieving can and putting back.

and oh yes - - - the little glove box handle had the dip at the bottom while it should be at the top.

Atleast the mirror is the correct way - - -

I’m kind of sad to see it go but Michael did get a pretty good 1923 Hupmobile as a swap so I think the French term is something like - - tom-pis.



Another Ballarat Cars & Coffee - - Sunday 8th Dec. 2019

Off we went at 6am to arrive at 20 to 7. As the weather was good we expected a lot of cars.
These random pics are at the bottom car park. Some I missed were a 404 Stn wagon and lovely cream 203 Peugeot.
A 50’s Armstrong Siddeley, The Morris 1000’s that you can see the backs of in one pic.
Of course our ’68 ID19B was the best car there and got a lot of interest - - - all good fun. All cars gone by about 10.


COUNTRY CANTER Saturday 18th Jan 2020

We left early for a run to some sheds with the Ballarat Car Club. Along country roads through Clunes and stopped
at the bakery at Dunolly for a lovely pie and a slice - - or two.
The 1968 ID19B cruised along very nicely and not long after we arrived at an Austin 7 workshop in the bush.
Exquisite work done by a Swiss engineer.

Off again and to a huge shed complex with many cars, trucks, tractors etc. The Lanz Bulldog tractor was started
with a blow torch which has something to do with starting the big single cylinder engine.
After that we went to a couple’s place in Maryborough who have some MG A’s along with a ’48 or so P3 Rover and
a garage full of interesting kitchen artefacts and a lot more.
So this was quite a long run and as the others - - a lovely Studebaker, a convertible ’54 or so Zephyr, some Mustangs, Mercs,
Cortina etc etc - - - about 20 or so cars - - went like “a bull at a gate” - - our “DS” had to fly like the wind.
A great day. Today, Sunday we gave the Big 6 a drive.


January 2020
We've just come back from a local get together at Leonards Hill, Ballan way.
We took our '56 Big15. Ken's '29 Chev on left & Peter's Morris Oxford on right


Cars & Coffee” at Trentham 2nd Feb. 2020

Thinking that we could take the 1923 B2 Citroen to Trentham was not to be. After cleaning and replacing the plugs I was off
on another test drive. The car wasn’t going very well but it soldiered on until it stopped - - just beyond the cemetary.
I rang Janet to bring the D Special with a tow rope as the Special has a tow bar.
I then undid the float bowl and took out a shim that I’d put on top of the float which had eased a leak from the carburettor.
To my glee the car started and I gingerly set off for home. Made it up a long hill - - slowly, and coasted down the other side,
passing Janet, going the other way. Through the town and as I was approaching our street it threatened to stop so I slipped
the clutch a bit and could again coast down the hill, across a road and into our gate and into the shed - - - whew.
It turns out that it seems there is oil in the water as the grey mix was leaking out as the level would have risen somewhat.
This could hopefully be an easy fix if it has only blown the head gasket.
Anyway, no point in dwelling on it, I’ll get to it another day.

Peter's Morris Cowley ute.

Michael's P3 Rover & Big 6.

Sunday morning we headed off early.First, a look in on the Daylesford market and off we go. We parked our
1950 Citroen Traction Big 6 at the old Trentham Railway Station keeping a space next to us for brother Michael,
coming from Castlemaine. A coffee van was setting up but otherwise it was pretty quiet so we hoped that this was the actual day.
The bakery in Trentham is a beauty so up we went for a pasty and tea and slice.
As we walked back there was activity with a few cars arriving and before long cars were filing in at a good rate.
A late Mercedes Gullwing looked very impressive, a 1928 Packard and friend, Peter, in his 1926 Morris Cowley ute.
There was a Triumph car club contingent from Melbourne and also some from the Rover club. Brother Michael thought himself
very fortunate for taking his 1948 or so P3 Rover that he swapped some time ago for his 1963 Landrover, as, because it is very original,
the others were glad to see it. There was an assortment of MG’s and other interesting cars to look at.
By 1 o’clock most cars were gone and we were all thinking what a wonderful morning it was.

Around this time we went on a small run in the '68 ID19B with the Trentham Club ending for a coffee & cake
at the Lyonville Hall. The big (Chrysler) Imperial was cruising behind us effortlessly while I worked the gears through hilly
country around Kyneton and Springhill. The D.Special would handle the hilly terrain a bit easier as it has a lower 4th gear.
We keep our fingers crossed that our Special arrives safely. It is in transit between Brisbane and here on a truck.
Trvor's Austin 1800 with its "floats on fluid" suspension was in front. Peter from Bullarto took the Cowley ute straight there as
the cars on the run were going "at 100mph" as half of them were Mercs, which seems to be the case quite often
as they are cheap club cars.
I've put the renovated magneto back into the 1923 Citroen B2 so I'll fire it up soon - - hopefully.

Michael's Rover in front when he owned it back in the 90's & sold it
with his other P3 Rover behind.


Short run with TRENTHAM CLUB
We took the '68 ID19b on a small run with the Trentham Club ending for a coffee & cake at the Lyonville Hall.
The big (Chrysler) Imperial was cruising behind us effortlessly while I worked the gears through hilly country around
Kyneton and Springhill. The D.Special would handle the hilly terrain a bit easier as it has a lower 4th gear.
We keep our fingers crossed that our Special arrives safely. It is in transit between Brisbane and here on a truck
- - - and so the Austin 1800 with its "floats on fluid" suspension was in front. I drove one of these when doing my time
as apprentice Elect. fitter mechanic at Brisbane Coca-Cola. Most utes then were 6 cylinder so the Austin was top of the pops
- - around 1969.
Nice to see Peter's Morris that he cobbled up using a photo of his Father's ute.
I've put the renovated magneto back into the 1923 Cit. B2 so I'll fire it up soon - - hopefully.

Yesterday ( Feb. 2020 ) our beige 1974 D Special arrived from Brisbane on a truck so we are very happy it arrived
without damage.It served us very well in Brisbane and now will continue its life in rural Victoria.
Before getting it down, son Murray, took the car to Steeley of Just Cits near Maleny to do a
big service which he did. He did very good work and the car runs like new.
As the years go by I appreciate these cars more and more and am thankful for the joy they give us.

Vagabond stopped Feb. 2020

Yesterday we went out in the Vauxhall Vagabond and on the way home, going up a steep hill the car spluttered a bit and died.
Fine I thought and opened the boot to find NO PETROL CAN. Now this is something I NEVER DO. I ALWAYS
carry spare petrol as often the petrol gauge in the particular car might be dubious. It was saying ¼ full which did seem odd
but as it was a steep hill I thought okay. So we needed the exercise and walked the 5 odd kilometres home to take some
petrol in the D Special. So I pour not even 5 litres into the Vagabond and it’s full. Being on a hill might make the petrol look
full earlier but I couldn’t see this being an easy fix. In the top of the air filter I have a small bicycle valve shaft with cap so that I can
squirt a bit of petrol down. Doing this the car started but stopped just as fast. I looked at the petrol pipes and hoses and figured
the hose with the metal shroud was probably the culprit. It could be as old as the car – 1954 and the pump was probably sucking air.
We drove home again leaving the Vagabond by the side of the road and I decided to get to work on a little gravity tank from a
mower or such that I picked up at the last Bendigo Swap. After brazing a small pipe to the petrol tap and picking up some fuel hose
and clamps we got back to the car and rigged it up. It worked a beaut, even though there was only an inch or two fall
to the high mounted carbi. We drove back home with the side opening bonnet a bit open. I then replaced the old fuel hose for a new one.

Atleast this hiccup made me fix this gravity tank as a spare for the next road trip we will do in either our 1968 ID19B or the
1968 ID21F Safari so our holiday will not be as much of a drama if something goes drastically wrong with the fuel system.
Steeley, up Maleny way in QLD once said to me - - if you have a car with a carbi, rather than injected, and have trouble,
you can just about make something up out of a tin can.


Hanging Rock picnic 2020-02-10

Leaving just before dawn we were off to Hanging Rock car show in our French 1913 TH. Schneider. It is a bit of an effort to
get there early as we cruise at about 60-65 kph and even slower up the many hills of the Daylesford-Woodend road.
The weather forecast was good for a not too hot, cloudy day. Arriving at 7.30am the many areas were busy with cars arriving.
The spot for the Vintage and Veteran was to be on the edge of the race track which was splendid with soft green grass
- - - - and Hanging Rock looming overhead. Peter Brown, from Bullarto was not far behind us in his 1926 Morris Cowley
which he built up using a photo of his father’s ute. He was to win the “oldest person to drive their car to the event” award.
Out of a few thousand cars the only French cars we saw was a lovely 2CV Charleston, a very serviceable 1955 or so 203 Peugeot,
our French 1913 TH. Schneider and Peter from Bacchus Marsh way in his 1968 DS Hydraulique which we didn’t see
as he had left by the time we made our way to his.

Janet enjoyed seeing a 1965 or so HD, I think,
Holden which looked exactly like her first car. As recent members of the Vintage Drivers Club we were proud that we won
“Best Display” out of a few thousand cars. This sends a message to spectators and owners alike that these old beauties
can be driven on our roads and to those who can't be bothered to take these cars out “because it is foolish to do so”
will hopefully have their passion re-kindled. These cars are to be enjoyed - - whatever their age.


1923 Citroen B2

I took the head off the B2. The head gasket looked okay so after a good clean of everything. I coated both sides of the
head gasket plus head and block with "Copper Gasket Cement" and tightened the head bolts down to 40 pounds.
I now think that part of the problem was - - too much oil.

The instruction book states "approximately 7 pints at its maximum".
Instead of a dipstick it is of the "indicator rod type" that rises and falls on a float. The calibration marks are not too obvious
so I will now drain the oil and put in 7 pints and see where the marks sit. I would say that there might have been up to
5 litres ( up to 10 pints ) in there which might have caused the oil to - - - run all over the place. Anyway, I'll do that and play a
bit more with the carbi and see if it makes it along, with some other of our cars to Daylesford Motor Fest this Sunday 16th Feb.


Muckleford School Picnic New Year's Day 2020

Janet and I load the 1950 Big 6 Citroen for a Picnic Day at the old Muckleford School organised by the
Vintage Sports Car Club. This event captures what I believe is the essence of what a car meeting is all about.
Simply, motoring to somewhere in the country and enjoying an Australian picnic with like minded friends.
Everyone brings a plate and in the old schoolhouse the food is arranged. Trestle tables with chairs inside or have lunch
under the trees and chat about - - - cars.
Last year we brought our French 1913 TH Schneider and Michael brought the 1923 B2 Citroen roadster.
Because the day has a sporting edge we thought that our Big 6 would fit the bill. The years around 1950 were busy with
Peter Damman doing well in a similar car with him even going through a fence in a race at Ballarat. The odd fellow tells
me to check the right hand rear door for repairs as in that race a fence timber went through the door. I doubt that this is the car.
Much of the Damman memorobilia is displayed in the clubroom of the Vintage car club in Ballarat.

Rod & Carol Hadfield

Big 6

After setting up about 11am and cars rapidly arriving we joined in the fun.Some people recognised our car which was
previously owned by the late, auctioneer, Bill Wellwood of Shannons. He was an enthusiastic member of the car movement.
Cars came from far and wide and I even managed to get a photo of Rod and Carol Hadfield with one of their exquisite
hot rods. I have recently read the book, written by their daughter and enjoyed reading about the life of this truly remarkable,
unassuming man and his family. I thought the Big 6 fitted in quite well amongst such “dapper” company.


Glenlyon engine day and FIRE IN CHRYSLER

On the Sunday there was to be a pre 30’s Vintage car run coming out of Haddon near Ballarat. I busied myself with preparing
the Chrysler and gave it a quick run to see Tom who was helping to set up a Vintage Engine Rally nearby at Glenlyon.
After stopping for a quick chat and he not needing a hand I returned to the Chrysler to notice flames through
the flutes of the bonnet. I quickly opened it, turned off the fuel at two points and tried to smother the flames which weren’t
that high at this stage, with my hanky. This quickly burnt away so I grabbed a hessian bag but could not smother the flames
as by this time they were coming through the openings around the exhaust manifold and getting plenty of air from below.
The engine had backfired as I had stopped the car and must have lit the petrol around the carbi.I was getting nowhere fast,
feeling that it would not be long before the car was a gutted shell, out in the street, in front of Tom’s house.
Of course if this would have happened 10 minutes earlier when I was parked in the middle of Daylesford with the café, coffee set,
looking on it would have caused quite a sensation but its best not to go there.
I yelled out to Tom, who was about to leave in his Landcruiser, that there was a fire under the bonnet and - - -
it was not getting any better. At this he raced around to the passenger side of the Toyota, grabbed his fire extinguisher and
had it out in no more than 2 seconds. He was apologising about all the mess with the white powder while I stood in
shocked ecstasy. He mumbled something about the extinguisher being 10 odd years old and it was a miracle that it worked.
So, one of the biggest mistakes in my life was, NOT carrying a fire extinguisher.
Apart from a bit of scalding no damage was done.

The next day we decided to support the engine rally with two cars to show. Janet drove the Big 6 and I the Chrysler.
And so after a busy day I emptied the Chrysler of display paraphanalia reaching down deep behind the front seat.
Something in plastic and to my surprise found the fire extinguisher. Was it in the panic that I just didn’t remember or just
didn’t thinkit was there. Either way there was no getting away from the fact that the car would have gone up in smoke as
I had forgotten that I DID have a fire extinguisher.


Pre 30's run from Ballarat. Nov. 2019

The run went well - - Michael convincing himself to look for a Model T.

Peter having a hiccup on the road with the Cowley ute. The Chrysler is behind.


The Big 6 is up & running

The Big 6 is up & running with another inner drive shaft “yoke” thanks to Bob Shackley.
I now carry a spanner with socket to check the 4 securing bolts plus spare inner drive shaft.
Always plenty to do.
Some pics at wonderful Lake Goldsmith which happens twice a year. The big steam shovel which I think had a footing
plate failure and Michael’s Model T camper along with our ’29 Chrysler. The Big 6 at Ballarat Cars & Coffee, Trentham
& Hepburn. Some oldies at “the hut” & the Big 15 behind the 1912 Model T at Trentham - - & the mighty TH Schneider.

Michael has just come back from Hamilton to do a bit of slashing with the Grey Fergi. He took the green ’62 Slough Safari as
- - out of 20 odd cars “it is the most economical”.

We’ll miss the Geelong French Car Day this weekend as we’ll be on a pre 30’s run from
Ballarat in the ’29 Chrysler or the 1913 French TH Schneider.
Soon the 1923 Citroen B2 will be back on the road as the magneto has been thoroughly overhauled


Below - - LAKE GOLDSMITH Nov. 2019

Some pics at wonderful Lake Goldsmith which happens twice a year.
The big steam shovel which I think had a footing plate failure and Michael’s Model T camper
on his first "big run".along with our 1929 Chrysler joining in with cars from the Vintage Drivers Club.

Michael camping in the 1918 Ford Model T at Lake Goldsmith - - his first "big run".

We have now bought the T Model from Michael
as he wants to concentrate on his early Hupmobiles and his '23 Buick.


" At the hut " near Daylesford.


August 24th & 25th, 2019

Michael's Citroen 1923 B2, '54 Cit.Lt15,
our '56 Big15 & Michael's '64 ID19

Michael's '54 Humber Super Snipe, '48 Sunbeam Talbot,
'48 P3 Rover, '27 Crossley & others shown left

Me, John writing in my "wish list"
1903 Oldsmobile Model R ‘curved dash’ (achieving a top speed of 20mph with two forward gears plus reverse).

Michael doing a purchase of a
1954 teardrop "Sportsman Caravanette".

and yes, we took our 1913 TH. Schneider
& Michael the Crossley


Our 1923 B2 Citroen

1923 Citroen B2 Main St. Daylesford Jan. '19

Coming home in B2

At Musk Farm mar. 2019


Yarraglen British & European car day. February, 2019

Leaving Daylesford at 5.30 am in the 1954 Sunbeam Alpine and meeting Michael in one of his Rover P6’s near Hanging Rock at 6.15. From there it was a bit gruelling going slow to avoid kangaroos and the upcoming sun in our faces. The trip across the wooded hills where the catastrophic bushfires went through in the Kinglake area about 10 years ago.
Arrived to see a wonderful sight. I do like the general car shows but it is nice to see something else than the hundreds of Monaros, Falcons etc. Some very interesting cars. Strolled over to the Citroens. Some lovely cars including the Goddess of ’67 car that we owned some time ago and drove across the Nullarbor.
The trip back was a lot easier and the Alpine came into its own. I pretended to be Stirling Moss as I hooked it round the bends in the mountainous country, albeit in Victoria, rather than the mountain regions in France, Switzerland etc.
We much preferred the British & European days at Flemington racecourse, not so far away and such a privilege to be at such a historic location - - - but all good things come to an end.
One other event we went to last Friday was the Ballarat Swap which was very good. Well run and heaps of stalls. Found some “stuff” and also the odd old bakelite electrical fittings and an old RACV badge for our French TH. Schneider.
A great day, John


Peter with his made up Morris Cowley ute
- - - - like his Dad's

At Glenlyon 2019

Peter's T Model fire truck

At Trentham 2019

Christmas Day 2018. Daylesford, Vic.


Big 6 & others BELOW

I'm not knocking Bill Wellwood but I did remove some "junk" off the Big 6. Horses for courses.
I like to be a bit understated rather than going - - - "Bling". The main fault were the 15" wheels that he had made up
so he didn't have to pay for the expensive Michelins. The tyres were so wide that they rubbed on the guards.
It was by pure fluke that we had 4 of the wider Big 6 rims as I got them thrown in with the Light 15 we bought from
John Wilkinson in Qld. I was hunting for the wider rims and John Walton from DS Motors recognised the ones I had
as being Big 6 and that he had owned them a decade or two before. The car is now quite original.

John to "froggy site".

PS - - - - Peter Damman's car I think was green and so far I haven't found a speck of that colour.
Our friends in Warrnanbool I think, discounted the car being Dammans while "John" in the Ballarat club,
who knew Peter Damman well, thinks it is.
Either way, there are not too many Slough Big 6's in existence so we have to treasure these beauties that are left.


BELOW French 1913 TH. Schneider

In the Smith family 1914 – 2017

Motor - 4 cyl. 3000cc Model 14/16cv
Gears – 4 forward plus reverse. Gate change, crash box, cone clutch.
Foot and hand brake having separate cast iron shoes direct to drums on rear.

1913 – Built in Besancort, France as a rolling chassis & shipped to Melbourne.
Coachwork by - - -

1914 --------Purchased by FG Smith, farmer at Barrapoort, central Victoria.

1934 --- After being driven for 20 years the TH Schneider is parked in barn.

1954 Alan Smith and his wife Desiree purchase the
farm from Alan’s father and his mother, Dorrie Smith.

1996 -- Alan and Desiree retire from the farm and move to Boort close by.
The TH Schneider comes with them and preliminary work begins.

2013 --------- The TH Schneider is taken to Castlemaine for restoration - -

2015 ---------------------Alan finishes work with help from his daughters,

Up the Creek Motors, Grant White Upholstery & Steve Barnett Motor Works

Glenlyon store

Lighting up.

1st Daylesford Motorfest 2019
1923 B2 Torpedo tourer, 1913 TH. Schneider
and friend's Ford T truck.

1st Daylesford Motorfest 2019
1956 Big 15 and 1929 Chrysler "65".



- - at Hanging Rock 2018

Early photo on the farm at Barraport

Dawn - - on the way to Hanging Rock 2018

- - at Hanging Rock 2018

- - at Hanging Rock 2018

TH. Schneider out bush near
St Arnaud. Apr 2018

Terry in his 1912 Sunbeam and the TH. Schneider
at woolshed out from St Arnaud. Apr 2018

TH. SchneiderOut on a farm St Arnaud Apr 2018


BELOW - - Trip to Veteran Rally, Cape Schanck. Nov.2018

Arriving in Geelong

Onto Portarlington Bakery


Point Lonsdale

Queenscliff - Sorrento ferry.

Cape Schanck rally Nov. '18

Morning rally start. Cape Schanck Nov. '18

Cape Schanck rally Nov. '18

Kirks Picnic. Ballarat Club. Early 2019


I've been learing about carbide (acetylene) lamps and carbide granules, rock,
as I need to get the TH. Schneider headlights going.
If anyone has carbide in rock or granular form
I am interested to acquire some as I don't have a lot.


Ballarat run.



Above - In the 1954 Sunbeam Alpine at Casterton on Hamilton June long weekend rally. 2018

Michael with his '48 Sunbeam Talbot - - - - - - - - - & yes, it does snow in Daylesford.

Catching up with a Hamilton Sunbeam
(dark green) owner at garage crawl on right Warrnanbool club
July 2017

After Warrnanbool we went onto Nelson
Both cars having Laycock o/drive
went very well. July 2017

At Nelson near SA.
Michael's Sunbeam Talbot,
our Sunbeam Alpine, July 2017

and then we took the Alpine to Robe, SA
and the Coonawarra wine region. July 2017


Big 6 with Michael's '64 ID19 in front near Clunes June 1019

The Big 6 is up and running after Michael's friend re-bushed the distributor shaft. Apr. 2019


Below - - 1968 ID19B at Mortlake car show - - then Nelson
& Port Macdonnell SA and a little further Mar. 2018

Port Macdonell SA June 2019

Moving from Michael's Nelson holiday house July "19

Michael's Landrover Port McDonald near Nelson.
John & Michael 2019


Early 2019
All interesting, the carry-on about convertibles. I like them very much but of course all the DS variations are wonderful cars. The cabriolet is just one of them.
I’ve just registered our second ’68 Safari after many years of mucking about and the excitement of driving a “new addition” is as intense as it has ever been.
Michael just sold his French 1960 ID for $20,000 so it’s nice that the appreciation for the D model is still high. I’ve been helping him with a ’64 Slough ID while Janet is up in Brisbane driving our ’74 D Special. Michael now has the funds to get the '64 Slough ID up and running and maybe start on his ’64 French Safari. So he will enjoy the Slough ID as much as the French one although the tale of the journey of the French car will always make it interesting.
Luckily there are many on this Froggy forum who enjoy the D’s and haven’t sold them to enjoy the later cars. They are all totally wonderful, and I’m glad of this forum that helps us keep these icons on the road of which one, out of many, happens to be a Cabriolet. When we owned one, we had to contend with the downsides of all convertibles and sports cars - - - wind, rain and cold.
I would like to think that us “Froggies” have these cars mainly to drive and not just something to look at, and drive they do, in all shapes and some sizes. I can say that I enjoy driving all D’s as much as the convertible we had. Recently Michael was asked which of the cars he owns is his favourite, which he answered - - “ I suppose its the one that I’m driving at the time.
We can all drool at a particular car but aren’t we lucky to be able to enjoy any D model Citroen which is as good as - - - any cabriolet.




Above is our "new" 1929 Chrysler "65" ( cream )
and the other is Michael's 1927 Crossley

Below is the Chrysler a few decades ago.


At GM Day Ballarat 2018

Friends in the Castlemaine Club decided to sell their 1953 Vauxhall Vagabond.
It drives similarly to the early FE, FC Holdens which I enjoyed when first getting my licence.
The tourer bodies were made here by Holden.
Would this be an example of the last "tourer" built of any car? Covertibles have wind up windows.


1954 Sunbeam Alpine.
Similar car with a Traction is featured in the movie
"To catch a thief" with Grace Kelly and Cary Grant.

Our Alpine + others at Yarraglen - - -

Feb. 2018

- - - British & European Day


We often go to Lake Pertobe car show in Warrnanbool
about the 2nd Sunday in January - - - 2019


The men that make it happen.

Above is a pic of the Citroen "experts" some years ago
on a July Bastille Day when it was moved to Queensland Uni.

From left - - Arthur Lewis (French repairs Wynnum),
Lance Collins ( DS Motors, Woolcock Street, Red Hill, Brisbane ),
Steeley ( Ian Steele, Just Cits near Maleny, servicing the Sunshine Coast & hinterland )
and Jim Reddiex ( Maxim Motors, responsible for a large amount of D’s in Aust.).

DS Motors now closed 2018
As our restoration shop was only 2 minutes drive away. I spent a lot of time there over many years, even driving the odd dodgy car there through the back streets. I would leave a car with them and walk the 10 minutes home. It was a hub for the Brisbane and beyond Citroen fraternity and as many will know, life is just not the same without them in their Citroen only workshop. Both John and Lance would joke about how one day it would end so it had to happen. Their lives had to go in a different direction. They both travel all over so I hope the very, very best for them. They did the hard yards for many years for us and now it is their turn, with their partners, to enjoy life to the fullest. We who knew them are very fortunate as they shaped our lives with our beloved cars.

Many fond memories, of which one is - - - there was a good old QLD storm. I went down to DS Motors the next morning and the place was in a shambles. The hail was so big that it shattered the few fibreglass and fibro sheets on the roof.
Lance was up there so I joined him to help put patches of corrugated iron to stop more rain coming in. Lance slipped, nearly falling through and a bit of the fibro roof went tumbling down. We were terrified as it only missed a customer's SM by inches.

John and Lance worked tirelessly in this old workshop which was never to have a “renovation”. Lance of course the lively one having a go at potential customers and often cursing how a "home mechanic" had bodgied something up while John would work away in the background - - very - - quietly. I often thought how they made such perfect business partners for so many years - - - probably because they were so different.
They both had a lot of respect for each other and - - each other’s genius with Citroens.






Michael's 1962 ID19 Slough Safari amongst others.
Over 2,200km on a week long DS 60th Jubilee run 2015

Michael's just coming home to Castlemine after leaving Conarvon Gorge early April 2018


+ MOTOR BIKES 11th Mar.2018

1927 Crossley
Our 1956 Big 15

Eric & Jane's 1948 Lt 15 with ID Motor, left.

and - -


Friend's 1948 Lt 15 with ID Motor

Our 1929 Chrysler "65"

Michael's 1927 Crossley

Big 15 in Daylesford early 2019.



A question and a well written answer explaining the difference
of driving an early ID or DS Citroen compared to a late one.


Would like to understand what it is that marks driving the long stroke D out, when
compared with the later car. Is it generally considered that the driving experience is better? Am familiar with the later engines and I'd always assumed the pre-66 cars would be terribly slow but am I missing something here. - - Cheers, Marc


The earlier long stroke engined cars had a much more relaxed personality, although if stirred they could move surprisingly quick.
With more torque lower down than the later 2 litre engines & an unburstable 23mph / 1000 RPM top gear [19.5mph most ID & 4 speed Dspecials], they had a delightfully long relaxed touring gate, with a touring fuel consumption nudging 40 MPG.
The suspensions were also softer in all aspects, with smaller anti roll bars, so you really haven't experienced the full ride possibilities of a D until you have ridden in a properly set up early car. The side to side rock of the later cars, especially the injected ones, is almost absent , but roll angles are steeper as a result.
Of course the single lug wheels are a genius design, so convenient & with the use of the crank handle extension shaft, even a child can refit them.
The ID19 Confort & DS19 cars had better upholstery, thick sponge foam carpet underlays, firewall insulation, & proper heating, so are much quieter & very desirable.
Because they all used the early vegetable based hydraulic fluid ( like brake fluid) they even smelled different.

If you can find one that is not totally rusted away grab it & experience what the original D was all about. - - Richard


Selling Janet's beloved '74 DS23 Pallas Auto. (Sold 2nd May 2019 )

When I started this thread I knew nothing and have learnt a lot. There is someone coming to look at the '23 Auto tomorrow - - coming from Sydney. I have topped up the gearbox oil part of the transmission and the Auto fluid is fine. If he buys the car he will drive it back to Sydney. Because it is highway driving there shouldn't be stress on the gearbox.
If he doesn't I will continue. Because the bands need adjusting as you say, the place to go to is at Kangaroo Flat in Bendigo where my brothers go for Humber and Rovers
We have the '68 Safari, the '68 ID19B and the '74 D Special. The '74 Pallas has serviced us well but as these are more complicated cars with injection I am trying to keep life a bit simple for the future and feel this wonderful car can be loved by someone else. Anway, we'll see. Automatics are not everyone's choice but often when cruising through traffic I have thought they are the ultimate DS for luxury and no-fuss driving. As always, horses for courses.



" some great minds "

Michael's 1951 "Cyclops" Rover & our 1956 Big 15


Brought the old trailer with its load for the Daylesford house
from Brisbane the 1700 km to - -
Daylesford, Victoria.this 2012 - 13 Christmas New Year period.

From Coolah, above,we made our way to Mudgee and then - -
down to the historic town of Sofala. 2 pics below.

Window awnings for Daylesford house
We stayed in Cowra made our way to the the southern bank of the Murray River for a break.

Had some lunch in historic Carcoar.


Carcoar. NSW

Greg seems to be in the spirit of things. Your photos are inspirational Matthew.

Cruising country Australia is always a joy. Greg's idea isn't so silly. Carcoar could have these themes.

For me there would have to be some old cars. Dodges, anything to maybe 1956 - - I'm biased. A few Feral cars, an old FJ ute with a cattle dog in the back. A rusty '51 Plymouth and of course our mottly '56 Big 15. And then, Matthew's Mum dressed in a nice floral summer frock, gloves and hat trying to dodge the horses tied up in front of the Royal. Bert and Jim rollin' a smoke starin' at the good lookin' sheila comin' outta the pub. It's a stinkin' 'ot day and the whistle blows fer the noon run te Sydney en Greg's brother's slidin' on the horse poo tryin' te make the bloody train. And then all goes quiet - - - - in Carcoar.




Yes this was a good day. The sun was out and there was plenty to do for the whole family. Great to see the Castlemaine -Maldon Steam Train come through, stopping right between the action. The dog looking out of the guard's van had the best view.

Janet and I couldn't get the Big 6 out because of trenches for a new shed so a quick call to Michael nabs his 1960 ID19. The short trip in a horrible new hire car and preparations to get 2 cars ready. Pumping up tyres and a clean. Michael decided to take his 1954 Sunbeam Alpine, a sweet car indeed. I always find it amusing to see Michael do "a personality change" as he dons his leather airforce jacket and appropriate cold weather sports car gear. After doing a mile or so I stopped as I wanted to check if "I WAS UP". These ID's should absolutely float and I'm thinking the ride just isn't up to scratch. Michael assures me it's okay and no time to change to the re-gassed spheres. So off we go again. Me remembering how wonderful these early ID's are, we're cruisin'. The Alpine gets along so Castlemaine disappears fast. Arriving at the old Muckleford Station amongst beautiful Victorian countryside we are given a good spot with the Castlemaine Car Club. A black 40's Pontiac Sloper on one side, the '60 ID and the Alpine. I set up our Picnic table etc and off to join in the fun. A tractor pull is when tractors show their stuff pulling what looks like a sled. The sled slowly digs itself in and this is when the tractor slowly stops. A big bulldog or so will take over to show it's immense strength.
Of course Michael couldn't help himself. An ID that has lived at Hepburn, not far away, was being sold by "A MORRIS DANCER". A great bloke who finally decided that his pride and joy was ready to be loved by someone else. Before I even saw the car Michael was scrounging up a deposit and it was his. Michael has been worried for some years that the Canola oil in this car would spit the dummy so acquiring it, he can now put it right. It had a few day's rego so I don't yet know of it's progress.
So yes, the Morris dancers were great along with many happenings that make this a good family day out.
An Anglia like the one that Michael, me and my eldest brother would go rabbit shooting in back in the 60's. Mum always regretted selling the little Renault 4CV as the Ford Anglia was never what the good old Renault was.
Many old cars to look at and familiar faces. Well into the afternoon we leave to head for nearby Maldon to check the shops and have a coffee. The odd model T and others parked around town. The ID always gets a look.
Good fun, John.

Michael's 1960 French ID & and other brother's
late 50's Humber Hawk at Muckleford 2013 ?




Mt Franklin BIG 6 & BIG 15

'56 HUMBER HAWK & BIG 6 Jan. -2013.

AND THEN - - -

some days later this January on the return trip up the Newell Highway the temperatures reached 45 degrees
but the '68 Safari forged on through the heat completing a great two way adventure.

Hot near Moree - NEWELL HIGHWAY JAN 2013

45deg '68 Safari -NEWELL HIGHWAY-JAN-2013

The Safari doesn't miss a beat.


Our '74 D Special that still lives in Brisbane & a friend's 203 Peugeot


Looking toward Warwick QLD ( Cunninghams Gap )
1968 ID19B - - a while back.



1954 Sunbeam Alpine

in the movie - -

To Catch a Thief

Stirling Moss -- Alpine Rallies


When taking inner linings off our Alpine to re-attach a hood button
I found a crumpled up Melbourne newspaper among others dated Nov.7 1955.
The right hand picture above shows location at top of pic.
I imagine for sound deadening. Our '54 Alpine was imported by the 2nd owner
around middle 1955 so the sound deadening must have been done soon after.

Robe SA - - - '68 ID19B

A fun day in Michael's DS23 and '54 Sunbeam Alpine

1956 Humber Hawk - Sunbeam Talbot
- 1954 Sunbeam Alpine - - 1974 DS23 5 speed Pallas

with Laycock de Normanville overdrive


Finally, full Vic Registration

Looking from Big 6 to Big 15

1956 Humber Hawk, 1950 Big 6, 1956 Big15 - 2011

Michael with Big 6 - - Marong 2011

Michael & Hans
Nice and roomy in the Big six

Michael talking Big 6 - - Marong 2011

End of Day Michael, Hans & Janet Marong 2011



John & Michael, Smeaton Mill Vic.

1950 Big 6 - - 1951 Rover 75 "Cyclops"

1956 Big 15 in Maldon Vic.2012


At Maxim Motors Brisbane with Lance's first traction
in the background
The same Big 15 just prior to being sold in 1968

1948 Slough Light 15

Janet and her Mum

Big 15 at Steeley's place

Daylesford way

Ballan Vic


Wait till it comes together, Good engine and box, reconditioned steering rack, no rust, I think reconditioned pump new steering linkage etc.
I know you'll end up with a good car Bert but I am confident Michael's will come up very nice for someone wanting a good reliable D Special.

It really comes down to whether you want a good town car or a real cruise machine. Most D's are good town cars and cruise quite well but if you want a real cruiser then it is hard to go past the long stroke motor in the pre 1966 cars.
Then there is the 5 speed DS21 or DS23.
One of the nicest models for me is the '67 and '68 ID19B. My '68 Safari has the ID19B spec having the high 4th gear and it is a joy to drive and then I have the '68 Sedan (ID19B) again high 4th gear, which took Janet and I from Perth to Brisbane and then back to Victoria in real style.

Although we have sold a number of vehicles over the years we find it difficult to part with any that we have left as they are all so individual and exciting in their own way.

At least by not having the added cost and problems of modern computer based cars we can rationalize by having these wonderful examples of the D model.

Again, good luck Bert, there is nothing more fun than being on the hunt for a D, whatever year it may be and whatever specification. - - John


Horses for courses. (approx 2011)

In Brisbane we tend to drive a number of Citroens for different purposes which prevents us from having to buy a new or late car that depreciates.
We have a “late” 1978 Citroen C35 van and the 1968 Safari as work cars for the business.
For long trips we “had” to buy a modern 1974 D Special for as the back seat is comfortable for Janet’s ageing Mum on Sunday jaunts.
Janet’s everyday car is the ’74 DS Automatic
and the 1967 DS and 1948 Light 15 are our town runabouts.

This isn’t a direct answer to your question but is an example of one couple who survive in this modern world, running a hectic business, and refusing to get drawn into buying a plastic computer car or van that starts to depreciate as soon as acquired.

All our cars work for their keep in there own way doing the jobs that maybe one new car might do with the costs of all our cars equating to the same cost, roughly, of the theoretical new car.

It is mainly the Traction gearbox that you need to be careful of.
I have come to love Tractions but wouldn't be game to throw an original one around as hard as I do ours, with the ID motor and box.
But then with our choice of cars I wouldn’t really need to drive the traction as much as I do.
We bought our particular Traction with the ID conversion already done as I was scared of them and thought the ID conversion would help me ease me into owning one of these cars. Now, with time, I have grown used to the Traction.

Our latest acquisition of a Big 6 stored in our tin shed in Victoria probably blows all this rationale to bits but then I never said that I was completely normal.

The ID of course was a thoroughly modern car when it came out compared to the Traction and can be driven hard as it is an overall tough workhorse.

I would build the extra car space and have the two. With the 45 or 90 day registration in Victoria, the costs are cheap.
If you sell the car you can always buy another one down the track but it won’t have the history and memories for you that this one has.

I have bought and sold a number of cars and tried to keep in mind that it is all in fun and not to take it all too seriously.

Enjoy the Traction - - you’ll have a ball.

John Paas.


1967 DS21M manual 4 speed.


As the rust was too bad to repair I have, with help from sons Murray and Oliver,
Janet and brother Michael, swapped the parts onto the shell of a doner car - - 1967 ID19B.

The '67 DS21 was owned by a teacher whose students were asked "to do a Phantom" on her.

I had seen the car parked at night in the main street of Caloundra on the Sunshine Coast
probably in the late 80's as shown below and looked in awe.

A 1967 DS21 was considered highly in those days and when I was able to puchase her,
already having the Phantom artwork painted over, I naievely thought I'd "do 'er up" and away I'd go,
- - - - not realizing that it wouldn't be till 18 odd years later to realize my dream.
In between, ofcourse, I owned a number of Citroens who were all wonderful in their own way,
while I battled, with Janet and the boys, to run our restoration shop
- - and try to lead as close to a normal life as possible.

Photos below taken as "The Phantom" approx late 1980's

BOB & MANDY JAMES'S SONS ?? - 1980's ?

Phantom at Bastille Day under Story Bridge mid '91

winning the " ENCOURAGEMENT AWARD " ha ha.

Murray & I

Phantom at Bastille Day under Story Bridge mid '91

ID19B donor shell to be towed home.

In front of shop (Victorian Living)
Phantom behind '74 Transit - (2005 ?)

Assembling front after clean up
June 2008

Sold to a new home Sept. 2017


Towed her gently out with the old Landrover. He put 'er into 2nd and started 'er down the gentle slope in gear. Drove a bit - -
put the clutch in and braked and the clutch - - UNSTUCK.
Michael was smiling. Took 'er down the road and back 'an she looked a treat - -
all dusty - - even with one guard off - - "She's a beauty".
He remenisced about what a wonderful car she's been and maybe the only D to do the Gunbarrel Highwayway out Kimberley way.

The Head got hot towing a load about 3 years ago and after Michael had it cleaned up, the 23 -5 speed Pallas sat in the shed, next to the grey Fergi tractor for about 3 years and Michael sometimes wondered whether he'd ever get
it back together, after moving 1200 miles away and us buying the old farm. - -
So it was pure joy.

Yesterday, Janet and I took her mother for a day drive 100 mile & back to see the restumping progress on the old farm as the white ants had been chewing away
at it for years. The '68 Safari cruised as usual but to see the 5 speed slip away made adrenelin run as it has many times before - - - dealing with these wonderful cars.
Stopped "for a latte" to see the circus in Noosa and cruised home.




1974 DS 23 - 5 Speed (carbi)

Michael's been in the process of refitting the head.

Finally back on the road Oct 2009

- - - - -

Brother Michael just got his 23 5 Speed going. He is leaving with yet another heap 'o junk + his '63 Landrover on a tandem behind Paula's Discovery for the 1000 mile trip. He is so excited he wonders where the traction lot are as he could'a got a lift back up to Queensland after 3 days journey down. He wants to drive the DS 23 down soon.

So if the traction lot have slowed up or something or someone can give Michael a lift from Victoria to Brisbane Gympie area let me know.

I put this on the DS site the other day as I helped Michael get the old girl out.
And don't take any notice of Gilbert Henry. Another wayward brother from the back o' Burke, he dives into my computer when he comes into "the big smoke".


Janet's '74 DS23 Automatic Pallas


Janet's '74 DS23 Automatic Pallas "town car"
metallic green

This is our most used car. Janet's parents,
in their old age find the comfort exceptional.


Our "68 ID21F Safari "Highway cruiser"


As it is 1968 it has the ID19B type gearbox
with the high 4th gear being very economical.

1968 Safari (2007)
Cruisin' - - BIG BANANA Coffs Harbour NSW

Loaded - - June 2008

Used for the 100 mile trip to
Traveston (just south of Gympie) to escape the city.


HOROPITO WRECKERS centre of Nth island, New Zealand.

The mighty Phil Jones ( Auckland Citroen W/shop )
with Rex Carkeek's Traction race car.Oct. 1992

A great old Studebaker taxi at
Horopito wreckers New Zealand 1998 & Janet

Much of New Zealand's history here.
Horopito wreckers New Zealand 1998

Wrecking an English '63-'64 ID19 at
Horopito wreckers New Zealand 1998
Michael left & John

This early pink English ID19 has weathered many
storms including snow in this high region in the
cenrtal north island, Horopito NEW ZEALAND.




Bill Buntings place Old DS's before going to Bob Dircks

Bill Buntings place Old DS's

Bill Buntings place Old DS's

Bill Buntings place Old DS's

Early photo of Continental Cars Sydney


1956 DS 19 Eng. No. 280


'56 DS 19 Eng. No. 280

This has the early "horizontal" speedo.

'56 DS 19 . No. 280 Now Sold to Andrew.
Michael (in front) & John Paas (Feb. 1998)
Loading up for the voyage from Hamilton NZ to Brisbane

Michael Paas above and John's C35 work van,
being the only van in Australia.
Bob Dircks has the only other C35 being a "ute".


Been reverse flushing the radiator in the '23 B2

Air helps a lot


Hi, John Paas here.(written some time ago) '56 DS 19 Eng. No. 280

The Cit-in (Australia) has been held at Easter since the late '70's I think and is held in a different state each year.
As there are not many states it comes round to each one about every 5 or six years.
My favourite time has to be the Maleny Queensland Cit-in about 4 years ago when brother Michael brought his 1956 DS19 (English No.280) on a trailer as show only. I chamoised the paintwork the following morning as most were still asleep and suggested (told) Michael I would drive her on the 80 mile round trip scheduled that day, stopping at a country town for lunch at midday. Gilbert Henry would describe this better than I but it was a corker of a day.
After only 5 or so miles the muffler fell off leaving the tail pipe dragging on the gravel (dirt) road.
Stopped the old girl and wired up the tail pipe ready to resume our country drive .
We had a full tool kit, spanners etc as we usually do.
'Ow you'd ever put 'an old bomb like that on the road was beyond me mate, - bits fallin' off all over the place, well anyhow's we wired up what was left o'the rusty tail pipe an' there we are, your missus in 'er nice an' shiny '74 Pallas an what'd you do but take off in the ol' bomb. Well any how's we put all the tools an' garbage back inte the boot an' away we went.
Lo an' behold we break down again an' went straight inte a paddick te get the hell off the road. S'pose te get the hell outa' site o' the coppers. Well if we wasn't in fer the long haul that time. Ye said she coffed an'spluuttered an' then stopped. Shoulda' jus' kept goin' straight inta the dam down the bottom o' the paddick.
Well if every Tom Dick an' 'arry didn't turn up outa the blue. There was Griesy from Melbourne an' what 'e don't know about DS19's ain't worth knowin' an' that joker from the back o' Burke Bob Perks or somethin' or other an' Steeley from up the road who can make a carbi out o' an old rusty jam tin an' who else, well Michael who owns the old crate an' you tryin' te drive the old crate an well there we all were in this dusty bloody paddick thinkin', ---- an thinkin'.
Oh yeah that ol' cove from Bendigo Roger Williamson or somethin' or other drivin' an ol' beat up '62 ID.
Anyhows it ended up te be the carbi. Somethin' about Michael havin' put the float upside down eons before an' always wonderin' why petrol was always choofin' off all over the fuckin' place mind the language but what a fuck awful day that was.
Anyhows it broke down one more time that day but I mus' say fer all the carry-on an' swearin' an' cursin' that ol' bomb o' Michaels has been the sweetest car te drive ever since the sweet ol' girl that lovely dream machine I mus' say we'll 'ave te get 'er out again an' be nice to 'er

Come te think of it mate, they were good times that Cit-in, ridin' an' fixin' an' laughin' an' jokin' an' fixin', yeah was a right ol' laugh really,when ye think of it - - that day.
Gilbert Henry.


Chassis plate out of car on right
1956 DS 19 . No. 148
(plates only for sale )

Very early number 148 Slough DS19.



What is correct in a D Model

Int. Mirrors - - Looks like the rectangular mirror was used up until Sept '61
from then until Sept 1969 the mirror had the wider part to the top
from Sept. 1969 the wider part is to the bottom.

Armrest - - pointy bit facing in.This might have been done to fit between the seats more snugly.

Exterior mirrors - - wide part facing out.

( ascertained by members of Aussie Frog website )


Some hard driving in Traction with ID motor. 11-11-12

Out to Samford near Brisbane for a coffee with Janet’s Mum. How about a little adventure to Mt Glorious 2000 feet up instead so away we went. D models tend to get a bit hot going up mountains so I thought the opportunity to take the Light 15 was a good one.
I lived for 2 years in the early 80’s at Mt Glorious dealing in antiques and remember the odd time having to stop half way up with my first tired D Special with a tandem trailer of furniture. Having to hide part of the load in the bushes so the Special would make it up the steep ascent and having to come back for the rest.

The Lt 15 has the ID motor and box so with the 4 gears and being a lighter car makes the ascent easier.
Still, it was a hard drive navigating the bends but that is where tractions come into their own. The brakes in the traction are not like a D so a few shifts down the gears can help when having to slow down fast. Having the ID box does make a difference in how I drive as I can drive it hard without a worry of the box breaking.
So it was good fun. The Light 15 generally gets used around Brisbane and off to the movies so I thought today, that it definitely earned its keep.- - - John.
The stretch going up Mt Glorious is a severe ascent, much like Toowoomba, or the Gap going to Wawick but steeper than both. It would have been 1980-'81 when I lived up there.
Before that I had a small truck & tandem trailer that I transported old doors & building materials to Melbourne when that was the rage. At the same time I had a ’53 or so Rover 75 with the free wheeling knob.
Moved down to do the hippy thing down Macksville way for a year and then bought a ’55 or so Wolseley 4/44 and it was then that I moved to Mt Glorious. I then bought a good nick low mileage ’62 EK Holden station wagon. A lady friend of mine who I’d known for years needed something to get around in as her Light 15 was off the road for a while so I sold her the wagon. I had driven FE, FC and EK Holdens for a few years after getting my licence and thought them to be great cars. An EK panelvan pulled many an old car on the tandem. Anyway, she sold the wagon within a week as she thought the thing was atrocious and didn’t drive any better than a Fergy tractor.
This got me thinking. I had a look at a roundie Mercedes as I’d always liked them since I was a kid. I drove it and thought it was like a truck not really realizing that being a diesel had something to do with it.
So then I took the plunge and bought the ’71 D Special. Being 10 years old, the $800 I paid was pretty good and I might be a bit harsh in saying that it was tired. It’s only that it boiled every time up the mountain as it didn’t like the tandem trailer. I was used to Holdens which could take any amount of abuse you could throw at them.
Over the years I have accepted the very few shortcomings of the D models and learnt to love them, along with the odd traction thrown in.

The short drive the other week in Michael’s 1960 ID reminded me what fun I have been missing out on so keep enjoying yours. - - John Paas.


Murray & I with our 1st "D"

Approx. 1981 - -My 1st D, a 1971 Special.
I nearly bought a "roundie" diesel Mercedes about 1959 as I'd ridden in one as a boy in country Victoria to a school friend's farm in the early '60's. It was black petrol model and - -beautiful.
After a drive in the diesel model those many years later I was disappointed as it drove like a truck, probably not helped by being a diesel.
I then decided to take the "mad plunge" and buy the type of Citroen that I had grown up to love as my Dutch mother would always point them out when seeing one and say Citroen' - - with a sigh, probably bringing her home for that short moment.


Our trusty C35 Van towing '56 DS19 ( Victorian Living, Red Hill, Brisbane )


'56 DS 19 Eng. No. 275 now in Australia ( below )

This is the "sister" car to No. 280 above presumably coming to
New Zealand on the same ship probably early 1957

Pulled out of the shed where it sat for many years after doing a very low mileage.

Son Oliver here and right with a year or 2 inbetween

About to go into the container at Brian Doohan's place in Hastings NZ.


Phil Jones's workshop in Auckland NZ.
Getting cars left & right ready for freight to Aus.


As I said, some of us have different opinions. If we were building up a car that has been pulled apart one might go to LHM but if a car is running along happily one is loathe to rock the boat.

Obviously one is careful about handling brake fluid and maybe some like the challenge of operating a car in the same way it was meant - - just like me not adding a switch to the wiper system of the Big 15 and coping with that confounded English knob system that could be looked at as the worst feature on too many English cars.

But then when trying to cope with turning the wipers to activate them I know how umpteen people felt - - back in de old days.

For some people hopping into a "confounded car" brings them back to an earlier time - - when all things weren't done how we would do them now.

So some of us will curse and swear and in the end, drive away with some sense of satisfaction that we - - - managed. - - - Doesn't she purr beautifully

John Paas.



Would we do things differently if we had the chance ???

It is mainly for want of money but yes, I would have a go. My dream in hindsight would be - -
to be able to keep the cars in one piece and put them in a kind of "D". museum.
The cars such as below were a part of our Citroen past and to have wrecked such icons deprives us
of this wonderful history.

Rusted badly, I didn't have much option other than - - if I would have had the means, and money, it could have been different.

In the 1970's I lived as caretaker for a while in Walter Ireland's wrecker's yard at Albany Creek having a few hundred cars going back to the 20's. I would go with Walter in his '30's tow truck
and help him attach the chains to more old cars to bring back to the yard - - I loved it.

The last place I experienced the same kind of "aura" was at Horopito, New Zealand.

So we all go through in our funny little ways, having our passions and enjoying the memories.


Wrecking a '57 DS19 at Alan Sklennars, Hamilton, New Zealand.
and bringing front home - - 1998 BELOW


DS21 '72 Hydraulique - - BELOW

St George QLD maybe mid '90's
on our way to Lightning Ridge.

St George QLD
Showing the locals some tricks

' 72 DS21 injected Hydraulique

Sold recently for a total restoration. 2007

Down Cessnock way. Early 80's maybe.
Tow car - - - my DS21 injected Hydraulique

Picking up the ID19B shell for restoration of the DS21 "Phantom".



A black leather '68 Pallas that ferried
the boys to school etc for about 5 years in the 1980's.
A very good car.
This became one of the Goddess of 67
cars with an earlier front.

'72 Safari. Workhorse for our "Bloomsbury antiques for some time.

I DENTED THE ROOF of this car by carrying a big load of timber.
about 1986


RED-EX - - - RE-RUN 25th June 2003

The Red-Ex Trials were endurance runs in the ealy 50's mainly through outback Australia.

(Red-Ex was an oil additive)

Lance Collins from DS Motors in Brisbane owns the original Lt 15 which ran in, I think, the "54 Trial.

Alec Lowe from Chevron Motors & Lance, left.

Both worked at Maxim Motors
(owned & run by JIM REDDIEX for many years)
around the 1960's and '70's
and the London to Sydney race was won by
Jim Reddiex and team.
Ian Steele of Just Cits at Maleny also worked there and was involved in the London - Sydney

Lance & son of original team member


Under the Story Bridge Brisbane
Around mid 1990's



From bottom 9 grey white roof was John Paas -
Aust '61 ID19
Now in Scotland

From bottom 8 aqua white roof was Tom Eyears-
to John Paas to Donat to Sydney ??

From bottom 7 bronze white roof to Roger Wilkinson
- '64 DS19

From bottom 6 cream blue roof now Roger Wilkinson
- '59 DS19

Bastille Day Brisbane approx 1993
Right to left

1959 DS19 (John Paas)
from Warrnanbool, Victoria
now owned by Roger Wilkinson, Bendigo Victoria

1967 DS21 (John Paas) movie Goddess of '67
from Albany, Western Australia
now in Melbourne

1962 ID19 (Michael Paas) went to Bathurst area

1966 DS21 (John Paas) from Auckland New Zealand
now in Castlemaine Victoria

1962 ID19 (Tom & Elaine Eyears)
Went to John Paas then Donat now Sydney

1963 DS19 from New Zealand
sold to Victoria
This has the LARGE teardrop driving lights
unlike the more common smaller teardrop version

1963 DS19 (Michael Paas) 1998
Cruisin' New Zealand before we brought
the DS to Aus.

1963 DS19 (John Paas) 1998
High country, cental north island (near Horopito)
Cruisin' New Zealand before the DS came to Aus.

BASTILLE DAY around 2000
'56 DS 19 Eng. No. 280
& '63 DS19 behind



"Goldie Girl" from Rex Carkeek New Zealand
1966 ID19 Confort from New Zealand 1994
ex-embassy car
Cruisin' New Zealand before coming to Aus.
Michael and daughter Claire.

"Goldie Girl"
1966 ID19 Confort from New Zealand Jan. '95
ex-embassy car
On the beach, Invercargill
Southern tip South Island
A trip by John. Janet & Oliver

"Goldie Girl" from Rex Carkeek New Zealand
1966 ID19 Confort from New Zealand 1994

A Confort is up from a normal ID having
the DS19 motor.

This particular Citroen was originally black and was owned and used by the French Embassy in New Zealand having 2 French flags flying where the mirrors are now mounted on the front guards.

This car, now owned by Richard in Tasmania was bought from Rex Carkeek and kept in NZ at Rex's place at Palmerston North in John's name. The Paas families went over a number of times with the kids to enjoy the wonderful sites that NZ has to offer.


The Goddess of 1967

pictures Apr.'94

John Michael Oliver Claire

Burnt remains of Big 6
English (I think) Traction
On right of chimney buried by shifting sands
Engine caught fire. A Casualty of the
Red-Ex Trial of about 1954

Below is photo of Citroen Big 6 now buried in dunes at Eucla

The notes on right are fromRestored Cars Magazine No. 225

Caption left :- Gutted body of O'shea's Big 6 burnt out in last Redex trial
From Modern Motor magazine April 1955

Writer Frank Clune at Eucla



The film - - Goddess of 67
I got a call from the film maker who needed two 1967 DS's for hire. I asked why they needed 2 and he kind of indicated that if one was damaged or such they would need a second so from then on it was to sell or nothing. I said that they would be hard pushed to find a second but I did have a '68 DS which is basically the same apart from front guards and bonnet. So with these parts we sold the 2 cars for $21,000 which was big money in those days.

"On the Nullarbor" Claire, Michael, Oliver
The Goddess of '67 crossing Australia.Apr.'94

Used later in "The Goddess of '67" movie
Crossing the Nullarbor Plains
Michael, Oliver and me (John)
Australia.April 1994
Looking over the Great Australian Bight

"On the Nullarbor"
The Goddess of '67 crossing Australia.Apr.'94

The Goddess of '67 complete with lights

"On the Nullarbor"
The Goddess of '67 crossing Australia.Apr.'94

Maybe round 1997



Australian movie

The Goddess of 1967
director: Clara Law
country: Australia
release: 2000
rated: 4/5
The Goddess of 1967
cast: Rose Byrne
Rikiya Kurokawa
Nicholas Hope
Elise McCredie

The Goddess of 1967 is Hong Kong director Clara Law's second Australian feature after Floating Life (1996). Goddess is a cryptic mosaic of a film about love, fear and redemption and it is a distinctly existential movie experience which gathers powerful momentum in every scene. Given its unique qualities, global identity, emotional power, transmuted aesthetics and confident command of film language, perhaps it's not too bold to suggest that The Goddess of 1967 is a film which, especially in 2001, Australians should be proud to call their own.

Two Hands' Rose Byrne and Japanese model Rikiya Kurokawa are aliens in an alien landscape in Goddess. Their characters "BG" and "JM" are brought together by fate and the sale of a highly sought after collectible, a faded pink '67 Citroen DS. This car forms the third enigmatic member of an enigmatic cast; they're bound for the duration to travel together through time, space and the Australian outback.

The best road movies move through not only outer places and spaces but internal states aswell. The Goddess of 1967 does just that - it powerfully mines the memories and vulnerabilities of both its frail human leads. Like its steely star - the Citroen DS - The Goddess of 1967 is a beautifully designed film which, once committed it, you hope will take you anywhere.

4 stars

Two identical DS 21's were used in making the movie.

They both survive - - -

One resides in Sydney

The other resides in Melbourne


Eric Bruisna came for a driving holiday with his cabriolet and also was on a quest to find the two Goddesses used in the film.


1974 DS23 5 speed injected towing '59 DS19
1400 odd miles from Warrnanbool Vict. To Brisbane Qld

Later on we heard a loud scraping noise as we were climbing a long hill near Coonabarabran 500 miles
or so from home and pulled over the best we could
(similar to the pic of towing other DS19 look down).

We hopped out to see the wheel trying to
wind it's way outwards and pushing the guard with it.
The nut (in the boot area) holding the rear left swinging
arm had come off. As The whole assembly was coming out and the swinging arm bearing was disintegrating with the balls falling into the boot.
It took Michael and I about an hour to fashion a windscreen wiper motor plate (which we found amongst a pile of parts in the boot) into a large large washer to hold the bearing together for the rest of the trip home.

Went on to enjoy this '59 DS19 for a number of years.


Last adjustments

I bought this car from south of LA (USA),
I think San Diego sight unseen in about 1993 .

A friend was shipping some cars to Perth,
Western Australia. I registered it in my name
at my father's address.
Janet and I had just flown in from New Zealand
where we had been cruisin' in "Goldie Girl",
a '66 ID Confort (seen somewhere above).

David Gries, a friend from Melbourne had shown interest when I mentioned driving the car accross Australia as he knew of only one other Cabriolet that had done the trip.

So David Gries & son Morgan , Janet & I (John) had a fun time as the long stroke motor brought us accross our vast continent. I'm getting carried away here but yes, it was a great trip.

Fremantle ( gold town)
1964 DS19 crossing Australia .Jan.'95

Looking over the Great Australian Bight as we
cross the Nullarbor, (Southern Australia)

Janet, a crisp morning near Maleny, Qld

early '96

1964 DS19
West Australia plates


57 DS19 at EUROA Victoria Jan '94
pretty well as we found it after sitting for 10 odd years


57 DS19 EUROA Jan '94

'63 ID19 in background before wrecking

DS23 inj. 5 Sp Pallas
Nearly finished wrecking rusty '64 ID19

Michael & I (John) spent 3 odd days camping
as we organized loading etc
as always - - on the smell of an oily rag.

David Gries, with son Morgan was kind enough
to come up from Melbourne to give us a hand and bring the ID motor + box to Melbourne for a later pickup.
Morgan was only young and when we were dumping
the ID remains at the local rubbish dump he said in an enquiring way that the sheep in the back of a dumped ute wasn't looking too well.
As the rest of us were trying to get the job done on a scorching hot day and not wanting to dry reach, seeing thousands of magots, (with the stench) David calmly said that unfortunately the sheep wasn't well and had died.
(you had to be there).

Michael & John having fun towing '57 DS19

1000 miles from Ned Kelly country (Euroa Victoria)

to Brisbane with DS23 inj. 5 Sp Pallas.

Boiling on long hill near Coonabarabran, NSW.

About to wreck ID

Jan. '94


Is this making me old ???

Janet helping as always unload parts for storage 2005



D's - a point of view - - - Nov '94

Is it the unique beauty, the absolute craziness, or just sheer enjoyment of a smooth ride that urges one into wanting to discover every facet of this intricate family of cars.

Is it, when changing into fifth gear of a ' 74 DS23, feeling like you're on a runway, and forever believing,
the wheels are about to --- lift off .

Or having the satisfaction of the plush interior, comfort, and ride of a ' 71 DS21 Hydraulique on the highway,
a gearchange so smooth that it is joy itself.

An ID19 1961, the extra soft ride, the torque of the long stroke motor and the heavy flywheel that,
when being wound out, is asking to be driven faster ----- ever faster.

Or a classic ' 57 DS19 with its no fuss exterior and a strange hydraulic gear change that makes you realize that a "true" Citroen can't change any other way,
and when, about to walk away, you are struck down by the sheer simplicity and beauty of a dashboard which would echo its way through an ever changing world and come to its final resting place in a long distant relative,
the GS
A 1974 DS23 Automatic Pallas making city driving - - - - sheer joy.

Or the year 1967, when it all seemed to reach a peak.
Chrome buttons and switches on the "slopy" dash which was to enjoy only one more year before
"modernisation" definitely set in.
Plush carpets, stainless steel kick plates and valences, leather and cloth which showed pride in workmanship,
in a company which was about to conform slowly to the wants of an evermore changing society.

Music on, and just -------- just thinking, one could drive, on and on -------- and on.

Through the dazed eyes of an addict, John Paas.





A rusty '64 French ID19F Safari

and of course our '78 Citroen C35 work horse.

Verandah "built-ins" on house have now been
knocked out and house restumped..

Brother Michael doing tappets after removing head on our Grey Fergi TE20 tractor.

Something about Grey Fergies 2009

Landrover. 2008

Brother Michael right - - & I

An easy way of removing a roof

Prairie Wind

He plays his harp as days are cold
and remenisces days of old
his dad has now gone far away
the memories that fade away
his old dog King he still recalls
those days gone by of missing souls
so where is he among all this
as he plays on to remenisce
meets up with friends in Nashville town
to play the songs of such renown
and will return again one day
to Prairie Winds --- so far away.

after seeing film of concert of Neil Young & friends
- - maybe 2005








The last of many times it happened to me was my Pallas hubcap spinning off on a bridge. We watched it slow down at the edge and as we were about to stop, it teetered a bit right on the edge of the bridge. Instead of falling our way it went the other and dropped about 30 yards into the Brisbane river. That Night I woke in fright when I realized my name and phone number and reward notice was written on the inside of the hubcap. I visualized it soaring down and hitting a person on the head as his boat carried him to that precise spot. I hoped that in the next few days I wouldn't receive the dreaded phone call. I now imagine it lying on the bottom - - in the mud.

I got serious and ground the lips a bit sharper of each wheel with a grinder.
I then heated each spring of the hubcap and bent them out a touch with multi grips and quenched them red hot to keep the spring tension.

- - - - - - Now that's interesting. I say here to quench the spring in cold water.
I did this recently (June 2012)as I've been hubcap proofing the '68 ID19B after losing a Pallas hubcap on the highway and did my bit heating the spring and bring it out and then I dunked the part of the hubcap with red hot spring in water and presto - - the spring cracked to billio and broke like cardboard. Not wanting to repeat this disaster I didn't quench the others but think that maybe the spring might be gone out of the steel. In any case the hubcaps are hanging on. I'll need to recover a good spring from a bad hubcap and rivet it onto where my balls up is. I think when I did this procedure originally I ran the hot spring under a tap instead of dunking.
- - - insert June 2012..

The only catch was removal. I fashioned an old steel square with one long end and the bottom end only about 3 - 4inches long. To remove I slip the small end between the hubcap and the spring jiggling it closer till the hubcap releases.

I have a tool in each of our D's and we've never lost a hubcap since.

- - Drastic you might think, but it works.

and some time after - - - -

Yes, the reason I originally went through the process of heating the spring and pulling it out and then quenching was that this would compensate for the spring sitting further down. It is the quenching process which I kind of forget but as I did these hubcaps probably 10 or so years ago I think all the springs have been pulled out a touch. I really don't think the stretching of the springs is that necessary as the depth issue is probably negligible.

Anyway, we drive everywhere with hubcaps on - - - something I wanted to ensure a long time ago.

I have attached pics of the indent that I do.



Some things I do to preserve our D's ( silly or not ? )

Put a stocking about 150mm ( 6" long ) in the top radiator hose to catch sediment.
Not too long in a Traction as it can block the breather pipe ( I found out the hard way ).

Undo one of the battery clamps as often as practicable to stop corrosion in alloy head by electrolysis.

Chamois car often to avoid washing car.

Paint penetrol in rust prone areas.
Give oil changes sooner rather than later.

Put chocks under car when parking at night so it doesn't dropright down
- - hoping this might prolong boot life.

ALWAYS keep car under cover.


This was another city runabout for a year or two. WONDERFUL CARS
We can't drive them all and in the end would rather be sitting in a "D"
I drove one in England for a short time in 1987 and grew to love them. - - (about 2005)


2015 French Car Day a hit

60 years 62 D's

Just to say that that this year’s French Car Day was great. 62 D model Citroens turned up so the aim of 60 D’s for the 60 year anniversary was realized.
I always enjoy studying the different Renaults and Peugeots. The enthusiasm that people like Tony Melcer have make it fun for all of us.

I had an interesting chat with a Renault 4CV/750 owner by the name Slade or so, I think. My mother drove us kids around when we were little in and around Geelong in the late 50’s in one of these. He told me about the automatic choke which didn’t seem to work on ours on cold mornings. With 7 kids there were always a few around to push start the car.
In about 1964 Mum sold the car to buy the funny back window Ford Anglia which she had trouble with. She regretted selling the Renault, probably thinking that all cars had good engineering like her Renault. The Anglia just wasn’t the same. The Renault Victorian rego GUE 090 and Dad's '57 Chev was GTF 973.
Dad was a bit of a home body so although the Chev seemed the obvious choice, it was Mum who took us to Ocean Grove and so-on with brothers and sisters on each other's laps to fit in. I don't think Mum would ever have been allowed to drive the Chev and I would think that Dad never drove the Renault. They were different days.

203 and 403 Peugeots always hold my fascination so seeing some lovely examples made the day all the more special. Jim Reddiex, the man responsible for selling many Citroens through Maxim motors was there and Arthur Lewis who had the workshop in Wynnum for many years maintaining many French cars. Lance Collins from DS Motors was the main reason why the D Model count was made possible. He badgered many a D model owner into coming so we have him to thank for making the 62 D's a reality. Ian Steele was there as always with a great camping with a Safari display, plus bringing one of two D Cabriolets.
It is always a chance to meet up with many old friends who continue to enjoy driving this wonderful mix of French cars.

John Paas.



Gilbert Rog & Mal - - - en Johnno

Now look, I knows everyone goes on about these you beaut cars an' I did too fer awile but then I got one o'these awile ago an' I reckoned that fer once in me life I mita' ben wrong.

Me ol' uncle Bert 'ad one back in de 60's an' me I was a kid then an’used say it wes the ugliest pice o' shit this side o' the black stump. I no's me spellins not dat crash 'ot but this sorta thing gits me all riled up ye no's wot I mean.
An as I was sayin me ol' uncle Bert 'ad one back inde 60's an yeah well - - - anyhows we go out shootin' roos en this old eep o' junk - - well thats wot I thort it wus cus it looked liked a spase ship gone wrong - - well it went over the paddicks like it wus way orf the ground, way up frum cow turds rabit 'oles an' everythin'. I coulda swore we wer flyin.

Well I still didn't think much o' the look as I liked uncle Fred's FJ Holden but I no's Uncle Fred woodent ‘ad taken 'is FJ anywheres nears where we went in that Citron IJ 19 or somethin' or other.

Well I got one o' these IJ Citron things a wile back en it's sittin behind the back dunny en yep, she's gonna be a beauty jus like old uncle Berts wus. Mine looks a treat though as its an upmarket moddle. It still rises a beaut but looks like a Citron should. I got it real cheep. I reckons the bloke din't know wot e ad as I know its a real good deal It's got the upmarket numbers somethin' lik CX Sematic. Wait til I do er' up en well - - I'll go Cruisin'. !!!!!!

Gilbert Henry

Gilbert, me ol' cobber, you've been hangin' around with that cove Mal Wright from back o' Bourke, haven't you? I wonder when we'll hear from him again.



Gidday Rog,

Yeah it’s ben awile. I ben takin’ pils fer deppreshen as dat ol’ IJ Citron from me uncles actually gottaway fer a secund time. Well ye know wen it got away the first time well it wus comin’ along a treat. I ‘ad the frunt o’ the ol’ girl winched up under wot I thort wus a good tree. Anyhows I changed the oil for sum good stuff I’d got outta the ol’ grey fergi.
It wus a stinkin’ot day - - this wus last summer en me dog Ned wus with me. Well, ye cun gess wot happened. I’d jus finished. Its hard te talk about it Rog but anyhows the fuckin branch broke clean orf. Uncle Bert woulda been twitchin’ in ‘is grave well anyhows Ned wus istory. I wus runnin’ when the IJ as it wus in neutral started down the hill. If it wusn’t so orful ida larfed but Rog I wouldn’t wont this fer me worst enemy even me ol’ mate Mal but I’ll get te that enother time. Ye cun see by me spellin that I’m still not on top o’ things but I’m tryin.

Anyhows Rog Ol’ Ned wus tied up te the IJ ‘as e wus chasin’ the chooks so after bein squashed to a fuckin’ scuse the language Rog but its all comin back well the IJ goes careerin’ down the fuckin paddock draggin wot wus left o’ Ned behind - - straight thru the barb wire fence en inta the new dam we jus had dug - - IJ - - branch - - me best chain block en Ned all in the new fuckin Dam.
Well I nearly choked I wus in a hell of a mess. The hole lot’s still in the Dam en I’m startin te cum good with the depreshen pills. Its been a while now so thanks Rog fer thinking o’ me.
I donno if ye know but I got a good deal on a real good Citron It sez Citron CX Sematic. Shes a beaut. The Sematic part means that the gearbox is like an automatic
but never gives trubble. So I’m on the mend now.

Don’t tel me brother John that I git on his computer in this frog site as eed git mad. E gits upset with me a lot cus e ses I should git me act tegether which I’m doin.

See ya Rog.

As it happens Mal called in a couple of weeks ago......... he's driving a Rav4...... loves it !

He had some disastrous tales of woe about the ID19........ after it nearly domolished the house, he got it running again......... then one night, after he parked it in the shed('cos a big storm was brewing) a big limb from the pepper tree beside the shed, crashed down through the roof and bent the car in half............. its still there under the timber, tin and tree.

He never wants to see another Sitrun again.....

Gidday Bob, Yeah Mal said e’ saw ye. Is that how ye spell Citron Bob. I reckon your as spaced out as crazy Mal. I used te be is friend but e made a line fer the wife which I didn’t think wus right fer a true mate. So I told im te shove off see ye later piss off. Anyhows I miss im a bit. Sorry bout es ID 19. Come te think of it that’s wot mine is not IJ.
Anyhows ow are ye Bob I’ll do a bit o homework on your Sitrun.
Say ello te Mal for me the son of a bitch bastard tell im I might forgive im if he gits me a pup cattle dog I miss Ned.

Gidday Johnny boy, Gilbert ‘ere I got hold ‘o ye computer numbers so I can log in as they say. Hope yous don’ mind.

I sees ye ben stirrin’ a bit ‘o shit mate like the sayin’ goes about ye not likin’ those computer cars. I dunno wot yer on about cos yer missus ‘as got one o’ those DC19 injected turbo type en me mate Pete the mechanic en panel shop rekons that its got one ‘o them computers anyhows I’ve ben thinkin’ en workin’ en thinkin’ some more.

I haven’t seen yous fer a while cos its been pissin down cats en dogs as long as yous ‘o been fart arsin’ around with that ‘eap ‘o junk ye call a big fukin skuse the language mate 15 or somethin’.
Well mate, I told ye after that Sitrun IJ19 I mean Id 19 I had like old uncle Bert’s which let loose down the fukin there I go agin hill after it comin’ down crack bang from bein tied up on the ol’ mango tree. I kno’s I told ye all this mate but that day lives inside me still.
The hole lot’s still in the Dam. The poor missus wus sure that I wus goin te top meself.
I’d told ye that I got one o those upmarket Sitruns en fer a while it wus sittin behind the back dunny you know where we used te make cigarettes from pencil shavins en me father beat the shitter outta me en you ye ol’ mate couldn’t cum over fer a year.
She looks a treat.. It still rises a beaut but looks like a Sitrun should. I got it real cheep. It's got the upmarket numbers somethin' like CX Sematic.

Well me en Pete’s ben busy in his workshop. Pete bought a hundred en forty acres over from Flanagan’s hill. All us ol’ mates helped debark some trees and made a shed that ye wouldn’t believe Johnno. He lives in one end with the missus en the kid en the rest is workshop en a spray booth which is a container joined on en you name it Johnno en its there.
Anyhows we got te sandin’ en bogging en sandin’ en paint’n en the ol’ girl looks prettier than the town bike as they say. Struth mate we learned a thing or two back in those hurly burly days with the cops after us an’ all the fun we ad.
So I’s ben thinkin mate you down there with all those computer cars yer on about. I reckon them’s pretty good those computers I mean cause I can use yer numbers en help ye like the special mate I been to ye all this time.
Anyhows theres this club down Castlemaine way that’s right up our alley. Uncl berts ratbag kid told me about it a Ferol club or somethin an they git an an ‘ol 28 Stude or an ol’ chev like out Mervs place by the creek an wheres the seats are ripped en broke they sew on anythin’ they can find. Old sugar bags anythin’. Anyhows by the end their cars look like old tramp taylors you know the old bastard that lived by the river at Buckleford near the tip en he’d blast his 12 gauge if we got too close. E ‘ad an old dog en it wus a proper rolls roys. En we always wanted it te make inta a hot rod like petes ol’ man had. The back ‘ad been made inta a ute so e cud pick up firewood from dannys mill. Anyhows that’s wot they do. So I thought we could call our lot frenchie ferols or something or maybe frenchie’s not the right word cause the missus doesn’t like that rude talkin. Anyhows we could wurk on that one.
I cen take me en the missus in our new Sematic, the Turners can drag that old green 2VC outta there chook shed that you bought out from pommy land after a bit of a washdown from the chook shit en Don from down your way ed have a GS that ll go like a bat outta hell the newsagent in town’s got one en it rips like no ones business. Anyhows that mechanic mate up Maleny way cud get that coupe DC19 out en that big 15 like your old cart en then theres Kim or somethin I hope the rats aven’t eaten all the wheel seel rubbers cause some o’ those IJ19’s ‘o got that oil in em like in Jimmy’s fich n chips in town. Jimmy wanted me te use it befor the Sitrun ran inte the dam but I didn want a bar o’ the stinkin stuff. Anyhows who else. Yer brother Mick can bring somethin en theres that 38 Sitrun down your way with the wire wheels like the ol T ford half buried in the back tip.
I don’t think we’d need any o’ those piss fartin computer cars anyhows as we’d have plenty enough te ‘av a ball with mate. We cud drivem out te Petes place or big bobs en ave the biggest booze up since we- - well better forget that time Johnno dope mushrooms the missus wen she was a nipper your dad wasn’t too pleased wen ye prangd his pride zephyr inta that tree up past coopers flat en hightailed it with the cops after ya what times we ad mate anyhows gotta go the missus as cooked a steak bigger than ben hur en I’m starving.
Oh yeah mate the missus found that note ye sent me bout wen I wus in Petes ute en you wus drivin yer Sitrun God struth that wus a ‘eaven car en God orlmighty were’s that after I ‘eard your missus got mad when ye wes playin up wiv ann at big Jims Bridge caf in Macksville.

See ya Johnno.



Walter Ireland's wreckers yard Albany Creek, Brisbane 1976

I bought a 1934 Studebaker from Walter for about $400 but a bit later saw a 1934 Chrysler Imperial which I dearly wanted. He said he wasn't ready to sell it and went on to say that his caretaker, who lived in the back of one of the wrecks was leaving so I asked him what he would pay. In a rather colourful response he said that he wouldn’t be paying me but that I would need to pay him $10 for the privilege. I was renting a place in Red Hill in Brisbane for $20 a week so to save $10pw and live amongst this wonderful array of cars seemed pretty good to me. I flatly refused to live in a wreck so he reluctantly agreed that we clear out a room in the house for me of car parts of which of course the house was full. He would check in the bath in the mornings and rouse on me if I had the depth more than 6 inches because of the rainwater tank.
My duties would be to do evening patrols of the fence line, loaded shotgun in hand, help with picking up cars and be at the yard on weekends.
Through the daytime I was working with Antique dealers busily learning the trade.
I always had the Alsation dog to keep me company while I checked along the fence lines for objects thrown over the fence by rat bags who would pick them up in the night. Luckilly I didn’t encounter anyone as the hammer 12gauge shotgun was pretty old & rickety.
I was a willing worker on the tow truck winch and chain setup and loved all the stories he would tell while picking up cars around Brisbane. He had even lost money in a bank crash in the late 1940,s so he hadn’t had it easy.
One day when he was away I decided to paint the Airflow with sump oil to protect it from the elements. Needless to say he wasn’t happy and I only said that if he wouldn’t sell me the car I might as well try to prolong its life. The cars didn’t fare well in the humid, tropical, Queensland climate.
Walter of course loved his Stude’s and it was always a treat to see him drive them - - which he did. He wasn’t a tall fellow so you would just see his head above the steering wheel.
Walter came from another time so it was a privilege to be part of his life for the six months or so in 1976.
Oh yes, he did sell me the Airflow for I think $1200 which was a lot at the time and also an Austin Sheerline to my brother Michael for maybe $400 or so.

- - BELOW ( Walter loved Stude's )

Studebakers & bits

Mid 50's Chrysler

1934 Chrysler Imperial Airflow which I bought.

Me with my dream car.1976


Stude & maybe GM Sloper in the background

Stude in foreground
(house in distance)

Walter delivering a my 1934 Studebaker early '75
to Red Hill place that I rented for $20pw

Walter delivering an Austin Sheerline in 1975
to brother Michael in Albany Creek.
Using his 1946 Ford tow truck

View from house. Now all suburbs.

'34 Chrysler Airflow

Walter Ireland wrecking
yard Albany Creek, Brisbane 1976


My '34 Airflow at a friend's place in Geelong
before towing it 1200 miles to Brisbane
with Daihatsu truck (also right ) approx.1978

Towing the rusty '34 Crysler Imperial Coupe.

"34 Chrysler Imperial Coupe
with '35 or '36 bonnet early 1978. I had the
proper '34 bonnet but the car was pretty rusty

Bringing the Airflow back with Daihatsu truck
that we put a Holden engine into. 1978
I was dealing in old doors, french doors,
skirting etc taking truck & trailer with
maybe 50 prs french doors Brisbane to
Melbourne where a lot were installed in the mud
brick houses "trend" , buying between $8-$30
& selling between $30 & $60 a pair.


My 1926 CHRYSLER which I'd sold
a few weeks before - -
here at Peregian rally about 1976

Dragging out an old '35 or so Pontiac
with my 2nd '62 EK Holden panel van.
For this work I bolted an old
tow truck gantry with big hand winch to the
back floor - - about 1975


A good Hudson Super Wap inside - about 1975
I had a '62 EK Holden Panelvan in my Surfing years and then went on to buy a similar one as a
t ow Vehicle for picking up this sort of junk.


Got it trucked back from an auction
out Dalby way that I attended

I wasn't always sensible.

Picking up an old 1950 or so Austin Sheerline
from who knows where - - around 1976

with an old friend, Peter who, with his wife Rose, have driven Tractions, a "61 ID
and 203 & 403 Peugeots for years.
Fun to drive this original early 50's Dodge
for a while - - about 1978 ($400 or so)

Michael owned this Sheerline ambulance.
I think it would have been wrecked
as it was a "rust bucket".

Michael's Austin Sheerline from Walter
above with chromed surround
& Hans's behind. Probably Geelong.


John & Michael pulling out an ID box, 2008
Is this what one should be doing in this life one can ask
- - - and for how long ???


Driving old cars and truckie signals ( July 2011)

Janet and I came back yesterday from a regular 200 mile round trip to Gympie and back in our well packed 1968 Citroen Safari. I understand that not everyone wants to do this but our main reason is that our cars must work for there living and so justify the money spent on them - - apart from the passion we have for this wonderful brand of motor car.
I have driven many times from Brisbane to Sydney and Melbourne picking up machinery for our Bakelite manufacturing business and stock for our restoration supplies shop.

I have a school friend who drove semis for some time and it was he who alerted me to the Truck community’s way of making contact on our roads.
So this is meant for the young driver who like me, never knew of this “culture”.

This is a way of keeping on side with the truck drivers and you will notice that many will
give a thankyou click after the “ job is done “.
If an awkward scenario might be in the making by me seeing a truck barrelling along
behind me I find a spot where he might want to pass.
I flick my right indicator once - - - he will pass if it is safe and when the back of his truck
has just passed the front of my vehicle I flash him twice with the headlights or at night time
with high beam. You will notice that he will come back to the normal lane quite quickly
and when there, he often will signal with his indicators as a thankyou.
You don’t have to be in a truck to do this as long as you do it responsibly.
Often I pull over where a road goes off to the left or a passing lane and do the same thing - -
give a signal ( right blinker once ) or just put my left blinker on as normal while left of the road.
I did 14 very overloaded trips in an old Ford Transit Van with trailer and knew the full meaning
of danger as I went down mountain roads in 1st gear knowing that the brakes were not all that great.
The trucks didn’t like me one bit but as I used signals responsibly they put up with me.
Invariably, when coming across this ridiculous site again down the highway they didn’t run me
off the road as they realized I was doing the best that I could and had their interests in mind.
The slower Citroen C35 Van and D models and tractions all fall into the old car mould but we
find we don’t have any problems driving them as everyday transport while we are courteous
to other drivers and hope they do the same in return.
Yes, it is easier in newer cars but for us we manage to mix business with pleasure.
- - - -

I don't know if I am a dying breed but I still use hand signals quite often. When turning right if there is someone close on my tail I give a right hand hand signal. It probably shocks them so much
that atleast they pay attention.
Again if I'm stopping at an awkward position I give my right angle hand signal to stop - - -
or going left. I suppose all these air conditioned cars have put a stop to it.
With D models I drive with the window open around town and Tractions - - - they have the best airconditioning of all with the air vent plus an opening windscreen so closed car aircoditioning
isn't something I like. By using these hand signals I have avoided many a potential accident.
I might be looked on as a bit of an idiot but atleast they stay clear.

Happy driving, John Paas.


Pre Citroen Days - - Below


In the '60's I rode bikes for some time concentrating on a 1941 1200cc Harley which I "chopped", also buying early bikes from farms when they were around in abundance even owning a 4 cylinder Henderson which I bought for $25 and swapped away for a 1925 and a 1926 Harley.
A 1939 -500cc Ariel, Michael's 250cc 30's Enfield used on the beach to Double Island Point
with surfboard strapped crossways on the back and a few BSA's, Francis Barnett,
wartime 750cc Harleys, a '59 Triumph and a Lambretta scooter bought for 25 cents which we blew the motor on the beach and a wartime Jeep which we also used for the beach..

In the 1970's I went on to 20's Chryslers & Dodges, 2 1939 Buicks, 2 early 50's Hudsons, Pontiacs etc till finding Chrysler Airflows interesting, owning a '34 Imperial Coupe for a while.





Our 2nd holiday house, Shelley Beach Caloundra

Making a surfboard - - June 1968

8 feet 4 inches long, 23" wide
"pintail" cost $44.40 to make.

At Aspley Brisbane

I wanted to be a "surf bum" & make boards - - JP

Me & my 1stcar 1962 EK Holden Panelvan
Moffatt Beach Caloundra - - Sept '68

At Noosa 1968


Perth or BUST

My 1962 EK Holden panelvan that took
Michael & I - - 7,950 miles from Brisbane to Perth & back via Victoria. Easter 1969

Perth or BUST - Woolgoolga - 5th Apr 1969

Bad corrugated road between Ceduna & Eucla.

The Nullarbor

Easier on the side than corrugations.

The Nullarbor

Note my green indicators - - ha ha.

We thought this would lead to Margaret River WA
but was only a farmer's track. 24th Apr.'69



Mar. 1969. I bought my 1939 500cc single Ariel for $10

4 cyl. Henderson
bought for $25

Swapped my going 4 cyl. Henderson (left)
for a '25 and '26 Harley of which, one is above.

about 1968 - - - stupid !!

My 1941 1200cc Harley that I "chopped"
while I was apprenticed at The Valley, Brisbane
Coca Cola plant as electrical fitter mechanic ('68-'72)
(21" Norton wheel on front)

1971 Beaudesert way.
I think I thought I was cool - - -
but it WAS fun.



Overlooking Kings Beach Caloundra
1967 - - Michael next to car.
Our sister's boyfriend let Michael & I come along,
with very little room in the back of the
E Type Jag, when cruising for waves
between Caloundra & Noosa Heads

My Hayden board on the ground.
My sister's Wolsely on top I think,
with Michael's greenboard to left &
friend's belly board.
( Before Michael & I had licences.)

Sister's boyfriend also had this Mini Moke.

Here we are on the beach, about to head up to
Double Island Point with Noosa in the background.
Note the larger wheels on the front.

16th Mar. 1968

A wartime Jeep that we did up to drive up the beach and around Brisbane. 1969

Michael's 1st car - - an original
1937 Chev sloper on holiday to Victoria
from Brisbane towing a caravan.
It wasn't hard finding cars like this
for a few hundred dollars in the 1960's
About 1969

Looking down onto Noosa & Double Island Pt
in the distance.15th Oct.1967
Loaded up with boards. I learnt to drive &
got my licence in Paul's '59 FC Holden ute.
He was a "real mate"
(An FC station wagon behind us.)

Carl's Dad had this Toyota Crown which we thought
was very advanced with radio control at the
back seat,overdrive and so much more than we
were used to in Dad's Holdens,
Michael, Carl & my sister with Carl's older
sister driving - - at " Rons Reef ". 5th Nov. 1967

Eldest brother, Frank & Michael at Byron Bay
on our way down the coast to Canberra - 18th Jan.'68.
Michael's "KEN" board is on the bottom.

Mum was a good sport driving us to where the surf was.
She bought the Vauxhall 2nd hand after selling the
60's Anglia. Moffatt Beach Caloundra - July 1967

Our '65 Vauxhall Victor. Good ol' Mum.

"Iluka", our 1st holiday house in Otranto Ave Caloundra
Jan. '67 (Dunny out the back) John,Frank,Mum,Hans

My brother's Morris Oxford.( about '54 )
Surfin' Caloundra
Dickey Beach or Ann Street
My 1st board "Hayden Kenny" - Mar '67

My elder brother Hubert left with "CORD" board
and me with "HAYDEN KENNY" board.
Alexandra Headland
I don't think I was all that cool but again - - great fun !!



In the 1960's beach driving was only for the adventurous. A vehicle didn't need to be registered or roadworthy.
All you needed was wheels that wouldn't get bogged in the soft sand and away you'd go.There was an area just accross
the Tewantin river where "beach buggies" were parked. Among them there were vintage and 30's and 40's.
One in particular was a Ford Pilot with dual wheels on the back and a bench seat bolted on top of the roof for passengers.
There was a 20's Buick or so etc. These old cars were geared well and took to the rough conditions with ease.
Four wheel drive vehicles were expensive and there weren't too many around - -
often Landrovers, wartime Jeeps and beaten up Ford or Chev Blitzes - - - as tough as they come.
Apart from the vehicles below we did also "do up" a wartime Jeep which we took onto the beach.
All our trips were to do with getting to Double Island Point. This was the "Mecca" for us Surfies back then - -
reaching it from Tewantin near Noosa or coming down from Rainbow Beach, east of Gympie.

Carl on Michael's Lambretta which he purchased for 50cents.
We blew the motor up on the Lambretta on the beach.

Michael is on his 1950 BSA which he drove to work
(apprentice printer ) Aspley, Brisbane. July '68

25th June. Michael says - "Roy, a bloke at work tells me he has a motorbike he'll sell me,so after work I go with him to Hamilton &
buy a 250cc BSA for $4 ".
3rd July. After a new clutch, speedo cable,
spark plug & pumping up tyres - - we try out the bike in the Park".

John, helping to prepare Carl's Renault 4.
21st Nov."After work we start Carl's Renault, but
when we drain the oil out, we find bits of alloy which
have come off the piston.Also parts of the rings."
On 8th Dec. Carl has put a new piston
in his Renault & boy, does it go!"
Late 1968

Taking the 'buggy" to Tewantin from Aspley Dec. '68

Unloading bikes from John's '62 EK Holden
panelvan at Rainbow Beach (Nth of Dbl Isl Point) Oct'68
Michael's Royal Enfield & John's Francis Barnett

The Royal Enfield with
Double Island Point in the distance

Michael's stranded Royal Enfield on Rainbow Beach

"close to Double Island Point"
A broken throttle cable - - etc etc Oct '68
We paid usually $5 or $10 for the bikes.

It is interesting what Michael tells me.
Michael bought a small window VW for $42 which
turned out to have a slipping clutch so we swapped it for
a Renault Dauphine at Zillmere wreckers.
We welded up dual wheels for the 2 cars.
After having trouble with Carl's Renault 4 we towed
it with the Renault Dauphine the rest of the way to
Double Island Point.

Michael in the Dauphine & Carl in the Renault 4.

We took it in turns to sit in the front.

Double Island Point behind.
We drove the Dauphine over the dunes to get to
the northern side to where the best surf was.
With a slipping clutch the light house keeper
towed us back over.

29th Dec."( Michael)"
A fisherman tows Carl'sdown the beach
to where the track comes out
with his truck. From there we struggle back,
again, towing Carl's "750" with the Dauphine along
30 odd miles of beach & the final bush track
to the ferry at Tewantin.

HOORAY ! We made it !".
We always had to get across with the ferry.

Carl & John trying to fix Carl's Renault
at double Island point. Dec '68

The Northern side with
Rainbow Beach in the background going North.


Dad's 1957 Chevrolet Registration GTF-973
that we had from 1957 till about 1963
Mum, & my eldest sister, probably Ocean Grove Vic

This registration number GTF-973 is now on our 1956 Citroen Traction Big 15 - - for old times sake.

Mum's Renault - -
Registration GUE-090
Mum & my oldest sister on
holiday to Sydney from Geelong.

us kids in Newtown, Geelong around 1963

Mum & the kids in Chilwell, Geelong with our small woollen mill behind on the Barwon river.
The little car was mostly used by us to go to Ocean Grove, shops etc etc.
We had the Renault alongside Dad's 1957 Chev until Mum traded it in about 1965
for the reverse back window Anglia
which she regretted "as the Renault was a far better car".
In about 1966 she traded the olive green Anglia in on the '65 or so Vauxhall Victor.



Pre 1910 Gagliardi

We operated this shop "Victorian Living" 1987-2016


Hitch hiking from Brisbane to Cairns 30th June 1972
